Thinking about taking the plunge...


Red, Hot, and Heavy
Jul 6, 2002
San Antonio, TX
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No I dont mean getting married that would require a chick in the first place. What Im thinking of doing is getting a Pyramaze tat. Thing is though, I dont like putting names or anything on me so I was wondering if there is like a logo, kinda similar to Pretty Maids' knot or Helloweens pumpkin for Pyramaze. If theres not or if theres not any plans for one in the future I might break my own rules and actually plop down a name on my bad ass self. I mean for all the sad Metallica fans that got inked in 86 that now cry theres a million Manowar fans who can still be proud and something tells me that Pyramaze will be in that latter group.

i dont know why people do this. you're going to regret it in 5-10-15-30-50-60-70 years. whichever one, it is inevitable. you are going to hate yourself for getting any band tatoo.

just get a big heart with JONAH inside of it like me
I have a Killswitch engage, a soilwork ,and heart and I dont regret any of it. Get whatver you want man and realize that when you get older just think of it as a part of your life or a certain time in your life. NEVER REGRET IT.Whatever you get it obviously means something to you and thats all thats important.
i guess if Killswitch engayge is THAT big a part of your life that you want to change your skin to worship a group of dudes that just jammed at a friends house and decided to make a band, then go for it
pallarandersvisa said:
i guess if Killswitch engayge is THAT big a part of your life that you want to change your skin to worship a group of dudes that just jammed at a friends house and decided to make a band, then go for it

yeah or maybe the music means a lot to the guy. that kind of devotion to a band should be respected, not shunned. -j
pyramazekeyboardist said:
yeah or maybe the music means a lot to the guy. that kind of devotion to a band should be respected, not shunned. -j

Thank you sir. Even if they break up or Soilwork or whatever. It was just a time in my life that I will always remember. Ive been the biggest Inflames fan since Whoracle and even now with the albums thy have put out recently I still have wanted an Inflames tattoo. I dont give a shit what other people think, If I like it then I like it. And by the way all the guys in Killswitch went to music colleges. The lead guitar player majored in Stand up bass and drums.
Thank you sir. Even if they break up or Soilwork or whatever. It was just a time in my life that I will always remember. Ive been the biggest Inflames fan since Whoracle and even now with the albums thy have put out recently I still have wanted an Inflames tattoo. I dont give a shit what other people think, If I like it then I like it. And by the way all the guys in Killswitch went to music colleges. The lead guitar player majored in Stand up bass and drums.

Do you know if they went to Berklee? I went there for a bit....