Your favorit Dio song ?


Apr 29, 2004
Post your favorit Dio song here, no discussion, just a link or name of the song. Elf,Sabbath, Dio, H&H, Rainbow , doesn't matter. Maybe we can get a nice collection of great Dio songs here as a tribute to this great man.

It's hard to pick one song, but I think my favorit is "Don't talk to strangers"...

For DIO band I´d say to "Don´t talk to stragers" but trying to be a little original with some of my favourite Ronnie´s tunes, I´d pick:

RAINBOW: Temple of the king
BLACK SABBATH: Lonely is the word
DIO: All the fools shiped away
Rainbow: Self Portrait
Dio: Gypsy, Don't Talk to Strangers
Sabbath: Falling off the Edge of the World

And about a hundred more, of course. I have long had a playlist on my iPod that is, "the best of Dio," which I've put together. Just stuff across his career that I love. Ronnie was TRULY involved in some of the best metal albums ever, and across a few eras too. The man was so f'ing great. The more the news sets in, the more I can't believe it. He was one of the centers of the metal universe, and it was easy to just kind of take him for granted as being there.
Blabbermouth is an impressive litany of tributes today. Just one artist after another talking about how great he was. That usually happens, but with Dio, it feels like the sentiments are stronger and the stories more numerous. R.I.P. R.J.D. People really loved the guy.
I think his best work was with Rainbow. I listened to some tracks on the s/t and Rising this morning. In light of his passing, the last minute or so of Stargazer, with the whole "I'm going home" lyrics was very powerful.
dio: all the fools sailed away or i could have been a dreamer
sabbath- I
mountain- man on the silver mountain
Almost impossible to come with just one. I go right now with 'Heaven And Hell' and 'A Light In The Dark'.
Impossible, would make a long list, but I would have to say "Rainbow" because thats were I heard him first and there he was with that huge voice and those lyrics, it was monumental, damn...

Catch the Rainbow and Temple of the King are hittin me hard lately
some good stuff here...reminding me of alot of dio i havent listened to in a while!! just listened to dont talk to strangers first time this year and cant stop now...but also came across a really cool BG cover of it.

check it out if u want
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