A Head Banger's Journey

poundingmetal74 said:
I really liked it, but I think being in the theater filled with metal heads was an even unto itself that makes me appreciate the film even more.

that alone would do it for me......
I think it couldve been much longer and gone into Power metal and thrash a little more well at all really. But it is in the metal history chart . I was happy they put black metal in there though.
sixxswine said:
So for me it would have been like paying to see a medicore metal band live...

If you wanna see it like that, then sure.

I agree with Everlost - they should have featured less Black Metal and shown a bit more diverisity. Plus that whole black metal church burning thing really didn't help his cause.
sixxswine said:
I finally got around to watching this last night. I was very disappointed, it was good for one viewing, it certainly doesn't motivate me to go out and buy the dvd...
i agree. i was really excited to see it, but one time was enough for me. i think it didn't cover enough of all the metal genre and sub-genres for my tatse.

but if it did, it'd be a 7 hour movie easily. hehehhee!
sixxswine said:
They didn't do too much black metal it might have been a 8 minute segment tops...

Yeah, but how much did they show of Power Metal? virtually nothing. NWOBHM? nothing.

The whole Black Metal/church burning/norway thing lasted quite a long time... @ least 1/4 of the movie was devoted to that. Metal is too huge and complex to devote that much of a "general" metal movie to.
If you look at the metal history chart on the disc maybe disc two youll see that they actually put alot of thought into it. I wish they wouldve made the movie about 40 minutes longer and included a few subgenres. I think the NWOBHM, Thrash, and power metal genres all couldve used places right after the black metal.
The Black Metallers came off as total idiots if you ask me. All of them. Mayhem were a bunch of drunken buffoons and the Gorgoroth dude was an idiot. "What do you stand for?" "Satan." <drinks wine> "What does that mean?" "Freedom."

Ok, whatever, Mr. One Word Answer Guy.

So was the other dude, the one who helped Varg Vikernes burn the churches. They were just morons.

Literally everybody else in the film came off as really fairly cool people if you ask me. Dee Snider came off as very self-promoting (which he is) and Dio bagged on Gene Simmons not once, but twice, (which makes me think there's some history there), but they still came off as pretty intelligent, decent dudes. The Cannibal Corpse dudes, even the Slipknot dudes, came off pretty cool if you ask me.
Electronicoil said:
The Black Metallers came off as total idiots if you ask me. All of them. Mayhem were a bunch of drunken buffoons and the Gorgoroth dude was an idiot. "What do you stand for?" "Satan." <drinks wine> "What does that mean?" "Freedom."
Best part of the movie :lol:

So was the other dude, the one who helped Varg Vikernes burn the churches. They were just morons.
Indeed, and "morons" is an understatement.

Literally everybody else in the film came off as really fairly cool people if you ask me. Dee Snider came off as very self-promoting (which he is) and Dio bagged on Gene Simmons not once, but twice, (which makes me think there's some history there), but they still came off as pretty intelligent, decent dudes. The Cannibal Corpse dudes, even the Slipknot dudes, came off pretty cool if you ask me.
Ronnie's got a fine sense of humor, even when he pokes fun at $immon$ :D