A Head Banger's Journey

Electronicoil said:
The Black Metallers came off as total idiots if you ask me. All of them. Mayhem were a bunch of drunken buffoons and the Gorgoroth dude was an idiot. "What do you stand for?" "Satan." <drinks wine> "What does that mean?" "Freedom."

I actually didnt feel like they were stupid at all. Why I dont necessarily agree with what they believe in ,but their basic a primal idea and what they stand for I respect. They believe in a time when it was actually their peoples country and not the wondering pestiness of an idea that was pushed upon their country. We all know that as metalheads when you believe in something wheter it be music or religion you usually stand by it no matter what. Also we all know about an image that goes throughout different scenes of metal. I dont agree witht he church burnings but I agree with the idea of removing a plague that was brought upon their country that they never wanted. Ghal
( Gorgoroth) is actually a true satanist and really believes in what he does. Besides at the time of this interview Ghal was gettin ready to be sent to jail soon so i imagine he wasnt to into the interview anyway. To me their ideas of when man was more primitive and primal in the eat, kill, fuck, sleep to survive idea I connect with immensly for the fact that I believe that man is nothing but a talking animal and that we ourselves as a race have tried to make ourselves important more than we really are. My thoughts probably dont click with everyone else because I am younger and havent spent as much time on this earth nor do i have a family. So please before everyone tells me how stupid I am remember that. Royal Carnage forum seems like they make a living off of telling me Im ignorant. I thought Dio was great. Making fun of Gene is always a good laugh. Maybe theyve been in the dark so long and drank so much up in Norway that they forgot hw to seperate their actualy ideas from todays reality. I dont agree with killing people randomly though. It happens but that doesnt make it right. Black metal scene is very complex for a type of music thats very basic.
I'm gonna hire it one day soon - I hope. It sounds interesting enough, all I need now is some free time.
Electronicoil said:
The Black Metallers came off as total idiots if you ask me. All of them. Mayhem were a bunch of drunken buffoons and the Gorgoroth dude was an idiot. "What do you stand for?" "Satan." <drinks wine> "What does that mean?" "Freedom."

I actually didnt feel like they were stupid at all. Why I dont necessarily agree with what they believe in ,but their basic a primal idea and what they stand for I respect. They believe in a time when it was actually their peoples country and not the wondering pestiness of an idea that was pushed upon their country. We all know that as metalheads when you believe in something wheter it be music or religion you usually stand by it no matter what. Also we all know about an image that goes throughout different scenes of metal. I dont agree witht he church burnings but I agree with the idea of removing a plague that was brought upon their country that they never wanted. Ghal
( Gorgoroth) is actually a true satanist and really believes in what he does. Besides at the time of this interview Ghal was gettin ready to be sent to jail soon so i imagine he wasnt to into the interview anyway. To me their ideas of when man was more primitive and primal in the eat, kill, fuck, sleep to survive idea I connect with immensly for the fact that I believe that man is nothing but a talking animal and that we ourselves as a race have tried to make ourselves important more than we really are. My thoughts probably dont click with everyone else because I am younger and havent spent as much time on this earth nor do i have a family. So please before everyone tells me how stupid I am remember that. Royal Carnage forum seems like they make a living off of telling me Im ignorant. I thought Dio was great. Making fun of Gene is always a good laugh. Maybe theyve been in the dark so long and drank so much up in Norway that they forgot hw to seperate their actualy ideas from todays reality. I dont agree with killing people randomly though. It happens but that doesnt make it right. Black metal scene is very complex for a type of music thats very basic.

(Disclaimer - I only saw the VH1 version not the extendo-Black Metal disc)
Nevertheless, what you have said here isn't necessarily ignorant at all...and if one of our Norwegian friends would have seen fit to ventilate such a rationale for their "extreme" views or acts, rather than their drunken ramblings or cryptic hyper-stoicism(Ghaal), perhaps the subject matter would have been better served. I realize these guys must be sick unto death of answering the same simplistic questions about the "old days", murder, arson, etc. However, if you have nothing intelligent to impart then do us all a favor and simply say nothing at all...sometimes that is best.
sixxswine said:
There was an interesting show on Death Metal on The Discovery Channel a few nights ago...
I saved it on the TIVO and just watched it last night...
Are you serious?? Wow tell me if it was good or not, because Im interested. Seriously.
It was called "Death Metal Music". It was more about how the music makes these kids go out and start worshiping Satan and killing people and burning down churches and stuff like that. They had some short pieces with Diecide and then they talked about Norway and how they take the whole Death/Black Metal thing to another level. From there they talk anout Meyhem and all of their troubles. (ie. murders and suicides)

It was an interesting piece. I don't know if I'd call it enjoyable. Then again, I've never really been into the whole growling vocals Death/Black Metal thing. The best thing about the whole show was when they were interviewing this 13 year kid from Norway. He was playing his guitar and was freakin' rippin'!!!

Like I said, it was interesting, but not neccessarily something I'd call a "must see".