Consenting Adults?

HAHAHAHA. you two with your arguments.

Anyways... I dont feel the state should really be in control of sex. Are we trying to create a perfect society like the nazis or what?

I feel that keeping people informed of what could happen from sex in the public educational system is good enough. What more can you really do.

What people do in the privacy of their bedroom is nothing to do with me, and I don't think should be anything to do with governments.
+10 to both posts... could you imagine if they made a national law saying you can't eat out a girl? .... the lesbians & women in general would start a civil war... :tickled:
I can't believe your all even debating something that came from the British National Party. A party that restricted its membership to "indigenous British" people until 2010. Indigenous literally means white as the BNP started life as a splinter group from the National Front. The main slogan of the National Front being "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

The BNP are also a party that has openly doubted the extent of the holocaust.

I am British and am sickened by the BNP. This is there official view on interracial relationships: - "when whites take partners from other ethnic groups, a white family line that stretches back into deep pre-history is destroyed."

Words used by the BNP to describe homosexuals:- "AIDS Monkeys", "bum bandits" and "faggots".

Disgusting. How can you take anything that comes from the BNP seriously? The BNP and anyone who supports them are a laughing stock.
So I'm not entirely sure how banning buttsex is going to positively impact society in any way, aside from wasting tax dollars on a practically unenforceable set of laws. Look at countries that routinely practice and persecute "deviant" sexual minorities.

That's why God made condoms. Condoms *also* help prevent sexual transmitted diseases (Syphilis, genital warts, children.) But maybe we should ban those, too, because sex is pure evil and nobody should ever have it for any reason.

Now I understand that the correlation/causality argument certainly applies, but, historically, overly repressive states have tended to be miserable for everyone but a tiny minority of people, where ethics tend to be ethnocentric instead of rational.

Also the "male/female sexual energy" shit is *hilarious*. It's not even pseudoscience. It's some nonsense Victorian concept with no connection to this inconvenient thing we like to call "reality."
But reality and logic rarely have much to do with these types of arguments.They're emotional kneejerk reactions to the perception of deviancy from the standard anglo-saxon norms that have served us oh-so-well in generating one of the most neurotic, murderous and self-obsessed cultures in the history of humanity.

I hate to break it to you, but the "moral decay" of modern society has little to do with things that people have been doing with their genitals since we could call ourselves human. Go read some Chaucer. Sex sells, even in times of falsely perceived moral and social superiority.

To assume that the human condition and experience of the upper middle and ruling classes of 1st world nations, are universally applicable, which is stupid beyond measure.

Gays gonna do gay shit, legal or not. I guarantee that your quality of life will not be diminished by them having done so; so there's no reason to be so paranoid about it.
That is just one person's opinion. The writer is trying to impose their views of sexuality and morality on everyone else and makes it sound like s/he is performing a public service. Really, s/he is just on a soapbox. That person is entitled to their opinion, of course, but I'm not going to change my life because this person thinks I should.

As long as my sex life isn't inflicting harm on someone else, it's no one's business what I do or who I do it with.
Seriously that argument had more fallacies than the amont of men Gaëtan Dugas screwed. Slippery slopes, assuming there's a magically guy in the sky that out of all the things wrong in our universe cares who sticks it to me, and where men put their penis. BTW most AIDS cases are black women. Yea, make that illegal, NO SEX WITH BLACK WOMEN.

For the 2 women that made sense too, what's wrong does it bother you that some men don't care that you exist? Too bad.
What consenting adults want to do should be their own business, as long as they are not harming or likely to harm someone else. That's what freedom is. And I mean directly harming, none of that slippery slope indirect nonsense. What I have a problem with is people wanting to be able to do something and force everyone to accept them with their choice lifestyle (i.e. force their beliefs onto others). Let's take gay marriage as an example. A gay couple wants to get married. Fine, but if a Christian minister doesn't want to marry them, he shouldn't risk being sued for that.

On another note, restrictive laws (on consenting adults) seem to be some of the most contradictory laws in existence. There is really no correlation between what an adult legally can and cannot do. Note some of the following (going by US/California laws):

An adult may purchase and smoke tobacco/cigarettes, which are addictive and toxic.
An adult may not legally purchase or smoke marijuana, which is virtually non-toxic, non-addictive, and has many medical and non-medical uses.

An 18 year old may own a gun. An 18 year old can get married. An 18 year old can vote. An 18 year old can go to war.
An 18 year old cannot purchase or consume alcohol (which means one cannot drink at one's own wedding or perhaps at as a celebration after returning from deployment as a veteran).

An adult may gamble in a casino or play the lottery. An adult can buy stocks, invest money, borrow money, or give away money. An adult can be sued.
Online poker/gambling is, however, illegal in the United States (not entirely sure on the legality, but all online poker companies refuse service to US customers claiming restriction by the SAFE Act of 2006).

An adult may act in pornography.
However, prostitution is illegal. I guess it's okay to be paid for sex if there's a camera involved?

"Before one can intelligently discuss sexual policy, one must dispell the great myth of our age. People often ask, "why can't we just say that anything consenting adults do is OK?" Well, it's not OK because it has a long list of negative consequences:"

negative consequences for the individual is the right of the individual to the extent that a man is guided by his rational judgment, he acts in accordance with the requirements of his nature and to that extent succeeds in achieving a human form of survival and well-being. If he acts irrationally, he acts as his own destroyer, not yours and not societies.
What consenting adults want to do should be their own business, as long as they are not harming or likely to harm someone else. That's what freedom is. And I mean directly harming, none of that slippery slope indirect nonsense. What I have a problem with is people wanting to be able to do something and force everyone to accept them with their choice lifestyle (i.e. force their beliefs onto others). Let's take gay marriage as an example. A gay couple wants to get married. Fine, but if a Christian minister doesn't want to marry them, he shouldn't risk being sued for that.

On another note, restrictive laws (on consenting adults) seem to be some of the most contradictory laws in existence. There is really no correlation between what an adult legally can and cannot do. Note some of the following (going by US/California laws):

An adult may purchase and smoke tobacco/cigarettes, which are addictive and toxic.
An adult may not legally purchase or smoke marijuana, which is virtually non-toxic, non-addictive, and has many medical and non-medical uses.

An 18 year old may own a gun. An 18 year old can get married. An 18 year old can vote. An 18 year old can go to war.
An 18 year old cannot purchase or consume alcohol (which means one cannot drink at one's own wedding or perhaps at as a celebration after returning from deployment as a veteran).

An adult may gamble in a casino or play the lottery. An adult can buy stocks, invest money, borrow money, or give away money. An adult can be sued.
Online poker/gambling is, however, illegal in the United States (not entirely sure on the legality, but all online poker companies refuse service to US customers claiming restriction by the SAFE Act of 2006).

An adult may act in pornography.
However, prostitution is illegal. I guess it's okay to be paid for sex if there's a camera involved?

i didn't read this till just now
and i agree with everything in this post