Gamers Thread

I'm fucking stuck on Ares at the end of God of War on God mode. I beat his first form I just can;t beat the little me's. Pisses me off to get so far only to get stuck. It's basically impossible.
Those Kratos clones are annoying as hell. I was lucky to beat that section on Hard Mode but got stuck on the last duel with Ares, so I abandoned the game. I have the sequel as well but haven't delved into it far enough yet.

Currently replaying Diablo2 for the umptenth time. Level 60 Sorceress on Nightmare difficulty.

Ultimate games: Grim Fandango and Sacrifice are still the best PC titles ever released.

Ok, that's enough nerdism for one day I think:oops:
I had 1 and 2 on my Neo Geo thing, fucking awesome game.

This game is fun because you can't end it without loosing at least 3 lives, it seems impossible to stay alive for the entire game. I am trying for 2 months playing Metal Slug X and I only completed 4 missions without dying (there are 6 missions in the whole game). I have all metal slug episodes but metal slug x is the best.
GTA is gaming perfection on every level, graphics (considering the scope of the games), sound, missions, replay value, story/presentation, depth (kinda goes with replay value). Those who bash it are those who don't understand it at all, the game is not a "hey let's go shoot everybody" BS. There's 100 - 200 hours of gameplay in all 3 games.

You've got such awful taste in games, GTA is nowhere near perfection, and is in many ways the Final Fantasy of action/adventure games, not the worst, but not even 1/10 as good as most people claim them to be (funny though with FF series is tha #6 is one of the best games I've played while the rest remain simply average)

The series is at MOST above average.
GTA has revolutionized the console game industry, very few, if any games, can even come close to the influence of the GTA games and the overall success of the series. How many games can you really say revolutionized the industry like GTA has?

and it really is flawless, the story/presentation is always top of the line (with some of the best voice acting around), the sound is great (especially the radio stations), the fictional world of the game is EXTREMELY immersive, the graphics are excellent considering the size of the games.

really the only downside of the series is that sometimes the games become a bit too easy (but this is only the case with very good players), fighting is useless, and aiming is flawed.

The next game in the series is going to fix pretty much all of these issues and easily be one of the best games released all year
the idea that theres any remotely objective method to evaluate a medium which serves solely to entertain is kind of laughable. are you telling people what theyre most entertained by?
GTA has revolutionized the console game industry, very few, if any games, can even come close to the influence of the GTA games and the overall success of the series. How many games can you really say revolutionized the industry like GTA has?

and it really is flawless, the story/presentation is always top of the line (with some of the best voice acting around), the sound is great (especially the radio stations), the fictional world of the game is EXTREMELY immersive, the graphics are excellent considering the size of the games.

really the only downside of the series is that sometimes the games become a bit too easy (but this is only the case with very good players), fighting is useless, and aiming is flawed.

The next game in the series is going to fix pretty much all of these issues and easily be one of the best games released all year

Chu Chu Rocket makes GTA look like a fucking shit on a stick.

Shove it up your ass.
GTA has revolutionized the console game industry, very few, if any games, can even come close to the influence of the GTA games and the overall success of the series. How many games can you really say revolutionized the industry like GTA has?

and it really is flawless, the story/presentation is always top of the line (with some of the best voice acting around), the sound is great (especially the radio stations), the fictional world of the game is EXTREMELY immersive, the graphics are excellent considering the size of the games.

really the only downside of the series is that sometimes the games become a bit too easy (but this is only the case with very good players), fighting is useless, and aiming is flawed.

The next game in the series is going to fix pretty much all of these issues and easily be one of the best games released all year

Spawning clone games =/= revolutionizing shit.

Metroid/Castlevania pioneered the idea of making parts of the game inaccessible until you've gotten a powerup later in the game (backtracking), Zelda OoT created the 3D aiming system used in MANNNNNNYYYYY games to this day, Super Mario 64 was the first game to use full 3d, FF7 was the first to make the usage of FMVs for story advancement important, etc.

What did GTA do that can be compared to those? Nothing. Something tells me you like Halo too.

Success doesn't make a game good, Atlus is known for releasing games in very limited numbers, Riviera: TPL was released in 10,000 copies and was one of the best games I've played in years, etc
GTA is fun. Extremely fun. Fun in so many different ways. You can enjoy playing iy for hours on end, doing something important to the game or doing nothing at all.

The objective of a game is to be fun. GTA is very fun. Thus GTA is a great game.
GTA is fun. Extremely fun. Fun in so many different ways. You can enjoy playing iy for hours on end, doing something important to the game or doing nothing at all.

The objective of a game is to be fun. GTA is very fun. Thus GTA is a great game.


the reason that GTA has been so smashingly succesful is its easy appeal to the mainstream gamers in addition to great story and the hundreds of hours of gameplay for the hardcore gamers.

GTA is one of the very few games I have ever played which provided 100 - 200 hours of gameplay VERY easily

and the influence of the series is undeniable. Everybody nowadays is trying to either imitate the game or trying to imitate certain aspects of the game and they almost always fail.
GTA is fun. Extremely fun. Fun in so many different ways. You can enjoy playing iy for hours on end, doing something important to the game or doing nothing at all.

The objective of a game is to be fun. GTA is very fun. Thus GTA is a great game.
The only fun I had with GTA was flying the helicopter while listening to the built-in MP3 player.
I play 2D fighting games at the tournament level (though I spend more time playing online than in tournaments :/:

Super Street Fighter II Turbo
King of Fighters '98
Capcom vs. SNK 2
Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Samurai Shodown 4, 5 Special, Tenkaichi Kenkakuden
Street Fighter Alpha 2
Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike (I only play it because everyone else does, bad game imo)
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core

all other games can fuck off!

That is one fine list of fighting games. Alpha 3 shits on 3rd strike.

Some of my favorites are :

Super Street Fighter II Turbo
King of Fighters '98
Capcom vs. SNK 2
Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Samurai Shodown 2, 4
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Tekken 2, Tag Tournament, 5
Final Fantasy 1-8, 10-12, Tactics
Chrono Trigger
Castlevania 1-4 SOTN
Gran Turismo 4
Forza Motorsport
Heroes of Might and Magic 2-5
Age of Empires 2-3

+ a lot more.

the reason that GTA has been so smashingly succesful is its easy appeal to the mainstream gamers in addition to great story and the hundreds of hours of gameplay for the hardcore gamers.

GTA is one of the very few games I have ever played which provided 100 - 200 hours of gameplay VERY easily

and the influence of the series is undeniable. Everybody nowadays is trying to either imitate the game or trying to imitate certain aspects of the game and they almost always fail.

Address my post you gay boy.
Something tells me you like Halo too.
Success doesn't make a game good

QFT. Halo is an excellent game. It's the simple, clean, and direct interface that lets you control your character effortlessly, in other words, if you fuck up, its your fault, that makes that game so good. Some other examples of this are : Ninja Gaiden (Xbox), Tekken 5 (PS2), Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 (Multi), and believe it or not, most of the Mario games.

As far as the GTA thing goes, they are good games, its just irritating when people think they are so much better than any other game ever made. I'd like to see how many of those people would think the same thing if there were no cheat codes in any of them. Personally, I prefer Oblivion.
I hate Elder Scrolls beyond Daggerfall. Morrowind and Oblivion are overhyped to hell.

I started with Arena, and it is an awesome game, but the amount a game is hyped doesn't have any effect on if I play it or not. I see nothing wrong with Morrowind or Oblivion.

Battlespire and Redguard sucked ass imo.