Must Have Plugins

These tend to take a lot of use : GClip, ReaEQ, ReaComp, C4/ReaXcomp, hpflpf, Grancomp, Epicverb, keFIR, Superior Drummer 2, CurveEQ, Voxengo SPAN, PSP MixSaturator.
Waves SSL EQ gets used on every track haha :lol:

URS 1980 classic compressor (good for getting the smack out of the drums without messing with it too much).

TC Electronic Reverb (the free one) The only VST reverb that sounds good on drums.

Other shit:
Onqels TSE X50 (that's right, you don't have it :heh: )
GClip, Jeroen breebaart Ferox for basically everything.
Not quite as often, but fairly frequently : Nick Crow 8505, various Le Pou amp sims, Voxengo Boogex, Tube Screamers Secret, TSE X30
Waves SSL EQ gets used on every track haha :lol:

URS 1980 classic compressor (good for getting the smack out of the drums without messing with it too much).

TC Electronic Reverb (the free one) The only VST reverb that sounds good on drums.

Other shit:
Onqels TSE X50 (that's right, you don't have it :heh: )

you've used TSE X50?!?!?!?!?!:Smokin:
If you use pro tools, ALL of the massey plugins are amazing! Just simply putting vt3 on a guitar or vocal track with neutral settings gives the tracks a more analog character. And you can download free, non-destructive demo versions of them (no white noise every 30 sec).
For me it's:

IKMultimedia T-RacKs (I find a use for most of the entire suite in most projects somewhere)
Team DNR MixControl Channel Strip (I put it on almost every track)
Cakewalks VX-64 Vocal Strip
Cakewalks PX-64 Percussion Strip
Cakewalks TS-64 Transient Shaper (I put it on selective tracks, mostly synth lines or anything that needs a little punch)
Cakewalks TL-64 Tube Leveler (use it to add warmth and color when needed)
Overloud BReverb (my go to algorithmic reverb in most cases)
Sonitus:Reverb (another well used algorithmic reverb)
Perfect Space Convolution Reverb (my go to convolution reverb)

As you can see I try to use what I have as quite a few of these are included with Cakewalk Sonar 8.5 Producer. I'm sure there are better solutions out there, but I'm trying to get the most out of what I have, and by selective additions that I think will help me in certain areas such as the T-RacKs stuff and MixControl. The version of BReverb I have was the one that was a No-Brainer which really was a great deal.

Various Amp Sims also find their ways into almost every project since I own quite a few of them:

Purchased: Guitar Rig 4 (this really is a versatile amp sim), PODFarm (been using it very little lately), Amplitube 2/Metal/Jimi Hendrix/Fender (Fender has been getting a ton of use for my cleans, can't wait for Amplitube 3 to arrive), Studio Devil Virtual Guitar Amp (the original - I use it for some hard rock tones)

Free Ones: X30 by Ongel, LeXTAC, SoulC, HyBrit, and LE456 by LePou, 8505 and 7170 by Nick Crow, GTR Solo (free for a year and it does do some nice "creamy" tones), and least I forget TS's Secret by BTE.

I'm sure their are others and this does not include my go to VSTi choices. I'm sure we all have some instruments we find ourselves going to again and again.
Hmm, I wasn't sure whether the ones that came with your DAW counted, but in that case, I always use my Ableton 8 band semi parametric EQ, for either boosting/cutting or LP/HP purposes
Superior Drummer 2,Pod Farm, Komplete 6, And reapers built in plugins. I actually want to get a graphic EQ. Any one know of a good free one? all my budget is going torwards my new comp :(
Kjaerhus Golden Peak Pressor gets used on every single project. It is my go to general compressor. I love it. Similar to Rvox but way more tweakable and better sounding. I push the hell out of it on vocals. I get it to were the overload light is blinking occasionally and it sounds really fat.

That's my pride and joy!:loco:

Other than that: drumagog, ik multimedia csr reverb, gclip, izotope ozone, reapers reaEQ, ssl listen mic comp, guitar rig 3 & 4, and just about every guitar sim that has come through this forum
waves ssl e-channel
waves api 2500

those are the plugs that are pretty much guaranteed to end up somewhere on all of my mixes. there's many more that i turn to for different purposes, but those ones always sneak their way in there on something or another