Vektor - Outer Isolation

We caught these lads last night, tighter than the vaginas that BWD taps on a daily basis. Nothing beats a pure metal gig in front of a scant audience after arising from a vicodin induced coma. Though the 4 impish bints who stood before us playing spirotext did encroach upon my mood. Goat damn do I hate technology, do people no longer have the attention span to sit through one fucking song before checking their cellular phones? One mantequilla faced sow in particular kept locking her iphone, only to unlock it seconds later to update her status. At one point I turned to my left only to view 3 Portlandia types all texting away in sync. What the fuck? Completely fucking distracting and an overall mood killer. Not big on the arse fucks who use their devices to record shotty footage for subsequent youtube postings either. Leave your shit in the car you fucking cankers!

A little disappointed that Vektor didn't play Tetrastructural Minds, really was expecting them to close out with that gem. Surprise of the night was the opening act ExMortus, which we only caught the tail end of. Quite a shame, as they totally pissed on Witchaven who came after them.
Tetrastructural minds! :kickass:
they played tetrastructural minds on Saturday night, and it ruled, as did the rest of their set. they didnt play too long, about 45+ min or so, but they fuckin killed it. i hope they come around again :kickass:
I'm more impressed with the sheer visceral energy and and terrific songwriting. And the vocalist is just so badass...them Araya-esque shrill screams raise the hairs on the back of my neck.
giving this a second chance ... growing on me.

some stuff has an almost NWOBHM vibe ... the singer reminds me of the dude from Sabbat (UK) ...

edit ...
and they are TOTALLY a modern, speeded up version of TOXIK

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