Recent content by CRUSADER747

  1. CRUSADER747

    This 'ol place need some new threads.....

    Nah, i don't fancy connie. I like the blonde irish woman, Zoe :p
  2. CRUSADER747

    This 'ol place need some new threads.....

    Soooooooooo, this is a Blue Peter thred????? Are you a fellow watcher??? Excellent :lol:
  3. CRUSADER747

    Now Playing

    Yes its track 2. Actually, most opf the album is instrumentals. Only 2 tracks have vocals!!
  4. CRUSADER747

    Now Playing

    Yngwie J Malmsteens Rising Force - Far Beyond The Sun :rock:
  5. CRUSADER747

    Last posts

    Thanks U M.:rock: I will still be hanging around a couple of other forums on here so its not really goodbye. :)
  6. CRUSADER747

    new podcast & dedicated forum

    :lol: :goggly:
  7. CRUSADER747

    Journalist Dismisses SAXON Documentary As 'Coffee-Table Television At Best' - Mar. 20

    Wow, so Biff had a go at goldsmith!!! Good for him :)
  8. CRUSADER747

    Now Playing

    Yngwie J Malmsteens Rising Force - Wild One
  9. CRUSADER747

    Now Playing

    I thought this messageboard was shut down now??? Anyway, yes, i think a lot of people like to view and post on this thread.:kickass: I think its popular now because ultimate metal removed the Now Playing bit from the reply box a while ago.
  10. CRUSADER747

    Now Playing

    Hey, Crusader!!:) You will have to start another Now Playing thread on the new mesageboard:rock: I think this has been the most popular thread on here EVER :lol:
  11. CRUSADER747

    Recent Saxon Albums on Vinyl?

    I know what you mean. I have a mini DV video camera, and i put all my recordings on to DVD. The quality is a lot better than VHS tapes! I also have quite a lot of VHS movies, and if i want to watch one i just use my parents video, but thats not often, as im trying to increase my DVD collection :)
  12. CRUSADER747

    Recent Saxon Albums on Vinyl?

    I agree with you that the large album cover shows the artwork much better, but at the end of the day, i want to listen to the music without crackles and stylus jumping etc. I also like to rip cd tracks and put them on my mp3 player e.t.c. But i know there are still some vinyl enthusists out...
  13. CRUSADER747

    Recent Saxon Albums on Vinyl?

    The last Saxon album i bought on vinyl was Forever Free, and i only got it on vinyl as well as cd cos i liked the cover, with the robot people on futuristic motorbikes etc. I don't miss vinyl at all really, i hated records jumping when i walked pased the record player, and i hated the crackles...
  14. CRUSADER747

    Now Playing

    Yngwie Malmsteen - Forever Is A Long Time :kickass:
  15. CRUSADER747

    Now Playing

    Im not definatly sure, but i think the Glen Tipton album was recorded before the Malmsteen one (they were both released in 1997). Facing The Animal is not bad, but i like the later albums more!