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  1. Ebony~Veiled

    Rituals of the Oak - New tracks on MySpace

    Check out my new band's demo tracks on
  2. Ebony~Veiled

    Lycanthia to support Dismember!

    :kickass: :rock:
  3. Ebony~Veiled

    The Dokken Appreciation thread.

    This is officially my attempt to redeem myself for choosing Testament over Judas Priest. Shane actually sent me an sms at 3 am telling me off hahaha Hopefully, this thread will make the "Steamroller" happy. Besides, I reckon these guys are awesome and deserve their own thread.. :kickass:
  4. Ebony~Veiled

    Latest thought thread.

    just post here your latest thought. I.m loving "Silent Lucidity", eventhough I thought it was quite average when i first heard it.
  5. Ebony~Veiled

    Word Association Game.

    So i.ll start with a word and you have to reply with a word you can associate with mine.. first word is (obviously): Doom
  6. Ebony~Veiled

    The cool pic thread

  7. Ebony~Veiled

    Have you heard "Within the Walls"? Tell us what you think.

    We would like to hear what YOU have to say about our EP. Let us have it then!
  8. Ebony~Veiled

    Post whore all you want in here.

    This is a thread where you can talk about anything and everything. Go for it people!