Have you heard "Within the Walls"? Tell us what you think.

I have been listening to it quite alot lately, although i got it a while ago. Love the fact that there are- male and female vox, we need more bands like that. I've been playing the first song over and over coz its so fucking good, but i will post more about it when i have given the whole thing a thorough listen.
i got it when it came out. one of my favourite releases of last year. everything about it is sublime. you can listen over and over again and discover new things each time. purely world class.
i loved it as well.
as you mite already know how much i like lycanthia already hehe.
hope i dont lose mine in my move as well :p
I unfortunetly do not own a copy myself for I am poor. Tear. But I have listened numerous times to Pyro's copy and I do say it's bloody great!! :)
here is a reveiw that appeared at FasterLouder.com.au

This EP is such a pleasure to listen to. High production values, excellent mixing, and a wonderful balance have been achieved, and I hope that Lycanthia are happy with the result.

For those who are not familiar with Lycanthia, they are a local metal group hailing from Parramatta. They play dark, aggressive metal that, as they so aptly put it, is best described as a blend of Doom, Gothic, Classical and Rock. Given that this EP makes me think of Turn Loose the Swans-era My Dying Bride, but more up-beat, I have to concur.

Within the Walls showcases Sabine Linfoot’s magnificent vocal ability without sacrificing the character of the band’s overall sound. Often, bands with female vocals of this calibre fail to maintain a character balance with other vocalists and musicians, with everyone else jarring with the beauty of it. Lycanthia, on this EP, manage to walk this fine line with finesse, making it appear easy to do.

On Within the Walls, the vocals of Lee Tassaker are very similar to Lunatic Gods’ vocalist Horar on the band’s 2004 album Mythus. The beauty of Tassaker’s vocals is that they have enough character to walk in concert with Linfoot’s; and the beauty of the band is that the rest of the sound is utterly supportive of this union.

It is a tribute to how tight this band is and the sound of Within the Walls, and a measure of the perceived calibre of Australian metal as a whole, that people who have listened to this production with me were surprised to find out that Lycanthia are locals! It is also a tribute to the band that every person who has heard this EP has vowed to go to the next Lycanthia show they can get to.

I can’t recommend this EP enough—buy it, trade it, do what you have to. You won’t be disappointed.

