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  1. Jackafur

    So whens the next show?

    hey guys greetings from germany. long time lurker first time poster. I was wondering when I could catch a show?
  2. Jackafur

    Taking it Back

    What's up mother fuckers we taking this bitch back
  3. Jackafur


    There I was on egypt road.. driving and I spot a car approaching me on the other side... I saw the DMC logo on the grill... my eyes widen and my jaw drop and I shit you not, straight out of fucking back to the future, stainless steel and shit, Crazy ass space doors, fucking delorean drove past...
  4. Jackafur

    Its a White Knight Civil War !!

  5. Jackafur

    Game Thread

    bear, luis did you re-buy it? set up a match? i suck.
  6. Jackafur

    New Guitar

    Im looking at bunch of guitars and its alot of hassle finding exactly what I want.. Is there anything thats not a string through bridge that isnt a pain in the ass to change tuning? bascially what Im asking for is a Guitar where I can from standard tuning to D or C and back to E without having...
  7. Jackafur

    You know you're an Alcoholic when...

    You're in a bar and you keep drinking until your songs on the touch tunes come on... and 2 fucking hours later they still didnt come the fuck on! wtf?! You're lying in bed and you get the spins.... and its comforting You fall asleep on the deck while its raining You go to the bar by...
  8. Jackafur

    ePSXe makes such a huge difference graphically

    the poly's and such are waaaaay smoother lol HOLD YOUR FIRE IM A HUMAN! the pics really dont give it that much justice. its really a HUGE difference from the actual console
  9. Jackafur

    Jack Rants

    I cant express in text how much I hate everyone. Im so sick and tired of these lame ass douche bags jumping on there gay ass bandwagons. First it was Valkyrie Profile. Valkyrie Profile 2 was being released then everyone on the internet suddenly became VP experts. "YA DIS GAME ROKS I BOUGHT IT...