
  1. S

    Oh hello there good folks! :)

    Hi! I just stumpled over this site, and waaawii does it looks like an awesome little community! My names is Sigurd Jøhnk-Jensen, and hailing from Denmark! I play drums in danish thrash/death metal band Caro - I play drums in danish rock trio Blindstone I play...
  2. K

    Kat's Metal Litter Box Opens 24/7 Radio Station for Unsigned Canadian Bands

    Kat's Metal Litter Box Opens 24/7 Radio Station for Unsigned Local Canadian Rock & Metal Bands We started this Radio Station to support our Awesome Local Canadian Rock & Metal Bands. We know how hard it's for them to get air play, We entered into the internet radio market, as we feel with cars...
  3. J

    Irradiation (Can) - Thrash Metal / Punk

    Hello, I play in a d.i.y. Thrash Metal / Crossover Crust Punk band named Irradiation, based out of Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. Some key influences for us are: The Dayglo Abortions, Metallica, Sepultura, D.R.I., and Discharge to name a few. We've released 2 studio EP's as well as numerous...
  4. ImaginaryMe

    Imaginary Me- Breathe Heavy, Play Heavy EP out now!

    Hey Guys! We are Imaginary Me, a local metal band from Austin, Texas working towards something great! We recently released our debut EP on iTunes, Youtube as well as Facebook, our first lyric video and are currently writing/recording our debut LP... please tell us what you think! Lyric Video...
  5. A

    Auvryana - Six Years of Sorrow

    Doom metal band from Turkey. All amateur, all painful, a work of six years. Nothing new, nothing extraordinary. Just pure doom metal. Debut album was out in 2012. After 6 years of sorrowful work, wonderful 12 tracks are all included in a digital album. If you like Lacrimas Profundere, Tiamat...


    Here's a mix-ready tone perfect for all metal styles.
  7. dramatic_lunacy

    Dramatic Lunacy new EP for free!

    Hi!, i just released my new EP, its an instrumental progressive metal/rock music Here's the link: please give it a listen and let me know what you think!
  8. Sojobo

    Horrorcore rap + metal?

    Yo! I finally decided to sign up after peeping through these forums for a month.. welcome me!! lol Anyways, today on my facebook page I found this video It seems pretty legit. I'm curious to how this music is gonna sound like... Just hearing the beginning made me think the material is gonna...
  9. Lucifeeer

    Very nice bands...

    If u don't listen to this stuff, u really should do it. Very nice bands and artists: Sunn 0))) - drone metal Vond - dark music AxelWahlin - dark music Death Of June - dark acoustic music most. Mortiis - dark music too (mortiis are vond) Satyricon - metal