A teenager nowadays actually doing something besides living in her cell phone...

I love the grumpy old man syndrome in the thread title. There are tons of kids playing metal these days they're just mostly doing djent stuff.
I love the grumpy old man syndrome in the thread title. There are tons of kids playing metal these days they're just mostly doing djent stuff.

Lol!!! Im 35 almost and full of vitality!!! Most teenagers today live in a virtual
World and it doesnt take a grumpy old man to see it! Before they played music,
Sports, carry a conversation, now its just texting and video games. Of course out of 20-30 million, some will be the outliers and play good music!!
No doubt she is nailing these songs - and it takes talent that I don't have to do that. But I wonder if she'll mature in her playing enough to write songs / solos? That's when some true talent comes out. Impressive nonetheless to see her handle such material.
No doubt she is nailing these songs - and it takes talent that I don't have to do that. But I wonder if she'll mature in her playing enough to write songs / solos? That's when some true talent comes out.

True talent? How so? Only people who write songs are truly talented? Tell that to the hundreds of sidemen in the touring/studio world who make a nice living as hired guns. Many of them never publish an original song. They just spend their lives making others sound good. One of the best bass players I ever worked with moved to Nashville a good many years ago and has happily made a nice life for himself backing up some of Nashville's finest. I'd say he has talent to spare.