A very deserved way to die


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
Over-zealous guard dog chases medics from dying owner
By Reuters, 7/30/2003

MOSCOW -- A Russian man paid the price for training his guard dog too well when the snarling animal held off paramedics long enough for him to die of heart failure.

The ferocious Staffordshire bull terrier kept doctors at bay as they tried to approach the middle-aged patient Wednesday.

"Doctors and the man's wife tried to approach the man for a long time, but the dog was furious and would not allow it," Andrei Rudomyotov, a regional police chief, said by telephone from the city of Chelyabinsk near the Ural mountains. "The doctors had to call the police, and our officers shot the dog, but by the time the doctors could get in, the patient was dead."

Russians living in small flats often own large and energetic dogs. Fighting dogs, such as bull terriers, are fashionable as a means of protecting property against post-Soviet crime.
reminds me of a a terrible story from albany a few years ago.

a young woman was stabbed by an ex-convict, in her apartment, and her dogs kept the parameds and cops at bay while she bled to death.

shitty. shitty.
one time this stalker guy came to my house and wouldnt leave (from indiana, no less) and like, my dog vinnie bit him and pulled his pant leg off (my parents were away, worst 3 days of my life). and then barked at the police for like, 25 minutes until i coaxed him in the house with a tantalizing box of snausages.

anyway, nick, that's a sad story.
he subsequently came back after the police let him go. had to call the police again. 5 restraining orders later (and having moved my address over 20 times in two years) he's gone. apparently living in his parents' basement, heavily medicated. it was sad.
he finally left because my dad came home from his trip with his shotgun.