DiscipleOfPlato said:
Symphony-X-"The Odyssey": I have yet to grow sick of this...an excellent album from one of the genre's most talented bands.
Death-"The Sound of Perseverance": I decided to check this band out after hearing so much praise for their work, and I have to say, to those who know me, the only thing more surprising then me purchasing this album is how much I enjoyed it.
Iced Earth-"Iced Earth": I just ordered this album off Relapse Records a while ago and it's great...the only minor flaw are the weak vocals but it only takes some quick time getting used to.
That was my first symphony album, it rocks, I just love it. Very nice work with allt he instruments and vocals.
I've been wanting to buy this. I'm listening to the Painkiller cover off of it right now. Sounded like a great album when I previewed it at this record store, can't wait to purchase it.
Yeah, I barrowed a friends copy and loved it and then I found a used copy for 5$. Really, really good debut album, I love it. I liked the vocals, they could of had more drive and power though, but I was less satisfied with the drumming than the vocals. The drums got the work done but they just felt bland, moreso than they should of on an IE album.
Anyways, as for what I'm enjoying right now.....
Metallica - Master Of Puppets: Finally got this album on CD and It's been playing nearly non-stop ever since.
Metallica - Justice For All: Also just got this on CD, never listened to it that much so it still feels kind of fresh. Love the sound of Lars' bass on this record, listen to it a lot when I go skating.
Rick Wakeman - Journey To The Center Of The Universe: Some kickass piano dude that was with Yes if I remember correctly. Listen to this in the car a lot.
King Crimson - Discipline: Really cool album that is a lot different than the majority of my record collection. Really nice guitar parts and pretty vocals.
Crystal Age - Far Beyond Divine Horizons: Picked this up at a local record store that has a dirt cheap used foreign metal section, paid 3$ for it, still in plastic wrap. What a find. Damn this album is just awsome. I love it. Go listen to them if you get the chance.