Anathema: I'm thrilled beyond words...

Love this band so much, I literally love everything this band has done from the Pentecost III ep onwards. Its ridiculous for a band to have been making such high quality music for so long.

Great to see all those clips, but I think its time for some old school Anathema:

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this gives me chills, Vincent breaking down. The feels
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I'm not worried about that in the least. I'd point out that several said the place would empty out for Pain of Salvation's set and it remained completely packed. Riverside's first trip here was met with one of the best reactions of that year as well.

My 2 favorite bands the same weekend....I told you in prvt how amazing of a religios experience this one will be
And I also tod you who is now probably coming
Got one confirmation ;)
To me distant Satellites is so magical,the emotion and beauty in the music and words
The emotion it pulls from me as I listen to it
Have not had an album hit me as powerfully sice riverside-Out of Myself,this could be an all decade disk and an alltime favorite,and this after having Weather Systems in nonstop rotation the prior year
After Anathema bring the heavy emotion, people are going to get a taste for it. You are going to have to follow it up *cough* katatonia *cough*
On my way to NY to the PoS show tonight, all I heard was Anathema.

In the car now going back home. Anathema is on. Nothing else will be played.

I'm fucking ready and you know it.

I had distant satellites on nonstop at the vacation rental late June in St Maarten...
2 very beautiful new fans were created

I will be listening to nothing except anathema and riverside in Punta Cana next week at the IBMS event

I rarely ever get emotional over a piece of music,and when I do it usually fades in a week
I had the title track from Distant Satellites on during a shoot(its on my shoot playlist)and I had the somewhat embarrassing situation of getting emotional during this song...

Very good chance for the first time I might be needing kleenex at a live show when this is performed
The only thing I hope for is that they don't have the visa problems they had the last time I tried to see them. They were supposed to open up for Blackfield and instead only the Cavanaugh brothers could make it. While they scrambled to put together a set they could do with just the two of them, I'd rather see the full deal this time around.
Great to see all those clips, but I think its time for some old school Anathema:

Though, for the record, they won't be playing any of these in Atlanta. "Fragile Dreams" from 'Alternative 4' is likely to be as far back as they'll go (and with its catchy melodies and confident clean singing, it's fully past their doom/death era).

The only thing I hope for is that they don't have the visa problems they had the last time I tried to see them.

They've done two successful full-band* North American tours since then, so, combined with the Visa Guru's powers, I imagine they'll be fine for PPUSA.

*while they've had 5 musicians to do complete-band sets, Jamie Cavanagh (bass) and John Douglas (drums) of the "official" lineup were not present "due to unavoidable circumstances". Don't know if they were visa-related or not. While the rhythm section is not exactly the most critical component of Anathema, it does make it a bit disappointing that we haven't gotten the full "family" aspect of the band; one of the most amazing things about the current version of Anathema is that 5 of the 6 members are two sets of siblings (3 Cavanaghs and 2 Douglases) that formed the band as teenagers. It's really damn rare and kinda charming that a band this good and this long-lasting has such "unprofessional" origins.
I haven't been much of a fan of them since way back in the Judgement/Alternative 4 era. I'll check their most recent stuff out though, it's been a long time.
Indeed. Having Anneke in some form or fashion on the ProgPower stage is at the very top of my wishlist. If there's a 2016 and beyond, I really hope A Gathering Storm or Devin w/ Anneke will somehow make the cut at some point.

- Chris

What we really need is Anneke back with The Gathering at Progpower
Am I missing something? I don't mean this to sound negative, because a lot of people seem to be excited to see them, but are they at all prog or power or even metal anymore? All of these clips sound very alternative mellow, more like Radiohead than metal. Am I missing anything? Just trying to figure out what to realistically expect.

The term "prog" fits with Anathema more so than most of the bands who have been on the fest.
No need to attack anyone, that was not a jab at any bad.