Any God Forbid fans?


Apr 24, 2006
I bought "Sickness and Misery" the other day because I thought it was a new GF CD. I was duped! It was a re-issue of their older stuff.

Anyway, at first I was bummed...but then once I stuck it in the CD player, I was pretty surprised. Good stuff! The production isn't as crisp as it is on their newer works, but it works better. The guitar sound is more brutal and dirty...they sound death metal in parts.

It's pretty good thrash with a lot of tempo changes, plus death sounds...a little crazy Dillinger Escape sound...and some progressive elements.

All in all, I would put this CD as 2nd best over Gone Forever. The vocals suck, but oh well...that's the norm for metal. I think their songwriting is pretty creative and catchy...there's a lot of catchy heavy riffs.

anyone else like them a lot?
i'm down with god forbid....i love gone forever and determination. the others are good but those two are my favs. i saw them here in orlando with goatwhore and everyone left after goatwhore so i saw god forbid infront of say 25 people tops....crazy eh? cant wait for their new album...i heard its pretty different and the songs are supposed to be a lot longer.