Any info about the next album Mikael?


Booze influenced
Sep 17, 2005
Does anybody have information yet about what kind of album the next one will be? Is there going to be a concept, is it going to be more heavy, less heavy, more progressive, more atmospheric, more black metal, more death metal, etc... etc...?
So if anyone has read an interview with Mike where he comments on any of these things, please post here, and of course Mikael himself if he happens to read this.
I hope Mikael will be wise enough to not say anything about it at all because there will just be an army of retarded fanboys who completely misinterpret what he says and then end up complaining about it on the forum when the album finally comes out sounding completely different to what they had expected.

Pretty much like what happened with Ghost Reveries, basically.
In one interview Mikael said that he will spend most of his time with his family instead of music. So seriosly early for 'startin waitin'
Neeeeed... neeeeew... Oooopeeeth... nooooow!

*turns into zombie and heads for Sweden*
I'm hoping that Opeth keeps a leash on the proggy attitude and brings in more evil elements, perhaps even some orchestral stuff. True majesty.
Well if you look at this thread:

It's obvious what the (majority of the) fans want. It would be great to have a return to that Opeth sound + atmosphere, but I doubt it will happen. The next album will probably take the proggy feeling of Ghost Reveries to a further level, but I do see it being alot heavier what with the introduction of Axe. Meh, just give us another piano based instrumental and I'll be happy :)
Well, I think they will release new album sometime between August 2007 and August 2008. I'm quite sure August 2007 is earliest possibile month for the album to come out. But I guess they will only tour this year and not write new songs. Next year they maybe will not tour but write new songs and take a break. It is possible they will record the album during fall 2007 and release it early 2008. And I bet new album will come out and hopefully blow our heads late winter or spring 2008. This is just a guess and in worst case we have to wait over 2 years (album hits stores as late as fall 2008) and in best case we will have it in our players next year. I'm quite sure it's spring 2008.
New live album or DVD would be great and this time more than 3 albums should be represented. Possibly they have filmed those special shows they performed earlier this year.