Any Kamelot new CD reviews?

The Fiddler

Just Do It.
Nov 27, 2002
Heaven and Hell
I must be missing something. The new release is available worldwide, but nobody has taken the time to comment on it at this forum. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
well I can say its not a terrible album by any means. Its good in its own right, because I personally feel that some new elements were implemented in Kamelot's sound so it has a different appeal than say, The Black Halo, even though Simone is guesting in quite a few spots. The track Jon appears on seems to be one of my favorites so far, but with a few more listens more of it might grow on me. Now I wait for someone to tell me where I'm wrong...:Smug:
I'm a HUGE Kamelot fan - HUGE.... And Poetry is taking it's time with me... It's a definite grower... I don't dislike it, but it's not grabbing me like previous Kamelot efforts..

I'm on the 'Zodiac' bus tho - that song is freakin' awesome and for me the best on the CD.. LOVE it.. There are other songs I like but that is like my GO TO...

The one thing I've loved since the first time I heard it - Casey Grillo... The man's drumming is pretty bad ass on this disc..
I enjoy it. Off the bat, I'd say it's better than Ghost Opera which I listened to for like 2 weeks when it first came out and have never listened through again.
I've only given it a few spins though as I've been trying to get into some of the bands for next year's PP as I'm very unfamiliar with the lineup outside of Therion.
I wasn't a huge fan of Ghost Opera, myself. The first two songs were alright, but the rest of the album didn't get me, so I haven't picked up this new one. I'd love to hear what other people have to say, though. I might pick it up with some encouragement.
I wasn't blown away by the record at all. Not to say that it was bad, but I felt like it was missing something. As I listened to it more and more, some songs definitely grew on me, but my expectation for this album (that this would actually impress me more than Ghost Opera did) wasn't met.

Again, this is not to say that there are great songs on it. The Great Pandemonium is an example. That is a hell of a song!!
Like everything Kamelot puts out ... it's a quality disc. I'm just not into them quite like I was six or seven years ago. Each release finds me being less and less of a big time fan. It's not really Kamelot's fault .. more a case of my tastes changing.

It is a good album, probably not as good as their last few, but nothing to complain about. The stand out songs are 1,2, and last track. My personal favorite being track 2 If Tomorrow Came, very very catchy.
The one thing I've loved since the first time I heard it - Casey Grillo... The man's drumming is pretty bad ass on this disc..

This guy is just of the most powerful sounding drummers I've heard since Bonham....and he's just a little guy!

The album overall is slightly a bit of a yawner, but I still keep it in heavy rotation in the car CD player, trying to really give it a fair chance. I'm kind of late to the Kamelot party, so I haven't really heard much of the earlier stuff that everybody raves about.
I'm going with "meh" on this one. It's not bad, as I don't think Kamelot could put out a bad album, but after a few listens, I'm just not into it.
It grew on me. I'm a pretty recent fan, jumping in with Black Halo. I owned Karma when it came out but didn't give it many listens. After seeing them at PP, I bought the new one, listened to it about 10 times, it grew on me greatly. Since then, I've been picking up some of their older releases, and listening to Karma, and man I missed the boat on these guys. Their stuff really grows on you. Talented group and I'm looking forward to Khan getting better and touring the States so I can see them again.
Bought it the first day of release, but for some reason it isn't until today that I got around to it. VERY underwhelmed by it. Like others I don't think it's bad, but it isn't that great either. The problem is that a band like Kamelot needs memorable songs, and there isn't a single one on here sadly. Maybe it will grow on me, but as far as I'm concerned it's their worst album. I'm also saying that having all their stuff, sans Dominion.
I'm shocked at how other people feel about this album. I really enjoy it. A lot! Its not as good as black halo, but its way better than ghost opera. I think this is a great quality release by the band and its the one that gets the most playing time out of any I purchased at the festival (well, maybe James Labrie gets a lot of playing time too, but still).
I'm a little surprised at the lack of luv for Ghost Opera - I really love the songs on that CD... Kind of a step into a deeper, slightly darker groove than previous stuff..

I'm still spinning Poetry a little.. It has grown on me but I kinda see it as a "formula" CD (ok we did this with this song and it was HUGE for us, let's write one like it ).. Some songs have grown on me a little bit but I was sooooo hoping for so much more... :confused:

I'm still driving the Zodiac wagon tho - that song totally kicks ass.. And I bow unworthiness to Casey on Poetry; he seemed to have taken it up a level for sure..
I've been listening to PFTP on and off since I got it at PP. I agree on "The Zodiac"... it's the one song that has jumped out from the mix. Probably because I know what the song is about (a pretty creepy SOB.)

Also would agree that I thought this album would be darker and heavier. It's not really a step back, but I wasn't blown away. Still not knocking Fourth Legacy out of the top spot. I kind of wish they would make a part 2 to that album.
I've been listening to this CD for over two weeks now, and really enjoy it. Like others, it took a bit to grow on me (become familiar with it), probably because there is nothing really new to the Kamelot sound on this CD. That doesn't mean the quality isn't there - because it surely is. There is a lot of texture and detail in the songs waiting to be discovered.

Favorite songs:

The Zodiac (love the bombastic, gaudy choruses)
House on a Hill (delicate and smooth as silk)
Necropolis (heavy grind/drive underneath with a lot of textures on top)
The Great Pandemonium (heavy Conception vibe at 2:33 mark)

Packaging and artwork is as stellar as ever. I don't care for and avoid digipacks, unless they are done this well. I love that Thomas genuinely cares about the artwork and packaging for his songs as much as he does he songs himself.

I've been a big Khan fanboy since his days in Conception, and have enjoyed the fruits of the partnership he's had with Thomas. However, the sound they have been developing since Epica is now quite mature. I don't know how they can really develop it any further.

As a fanboy, I don't have a problem with the band choosing not to stray far from the comfort zone they have developed, but at the same time, I think I'd enjoy listening to them develop a new flavor on the next couple of CDs. After several very ornate, lush discs, I'd love to see them strip things down a bit while still keeping the melody and quirks that are Kamelot - much like Conception did with their, "FLOW" release. I think a similar release with Thomas's touch would fit quite nicely into their catalog.
