Anyone seen Stryper live?


Halcyon Way Sufferer
Jan 7, 2002
Always liked the band's music. Not so much the message/gimmick though. Anyway, I noticed the band is playing a bar and was wondering if anyone has seen them live?
I saw them back in 2003, just before their "comeback" with Reborn....they sounded fantastic. Michael Sweet's vocals were outstanding, and the band as a whole sounded really tight. They're definitely worth checking out live if you dig the music.
Seen them a couple of times in the past three years. Agree with you about the message. But they are a very good live band and the last album is their best since the 80s.

Live they are a tight and professional band with some of the best vocals today. Michael hasn't lost anything in his voice and they can beautifully reproduce the three-part harmonies. Good fun melodic hard rock. I highly recommend them.

Also recommend the album, Second Coming, which is a re-recording of their best songs plus two new songs (one of which is excellent). The modern recording and their improved skills makes a huge difference in the quality and power of their old songs.
^^^My memory is foggy, but I think that was December 1988 for the In God We Trust tour. I'm trying to remember if Hurricane or White Lion opened for them. Anyway, great live band and they were spot on. Tossing bibles into the crowd was a bit much, but they are true professionals in every sense. Well, except maybe Robert Sweet. He's barely an adequate drummer.
Saw them last year and they KILLED it. I had seen them a few times before many years ago, but last year was the best they had ever sounded. And they're not very preachy anymore. They still do their bible throwing and there a little bit of it during that. But that was maybe 3 minutes out of a 90 minute show. I will definitely see them again when I can...
I always wondered why is the Stryper drummer so awkwardly situated on the stage? Why not facing the crowd like 99.999999% of the other drummers? Anyone knows?
^^^My memory is foggy, but I think that was December 1988 for the In God We Trust tour. I'm trying to remember if Hurricane or White Lion opened for them. Anyway, great live band and they were spot on. Tossing bibles into the crowd was a bit much, but they are true professionals in every sense. Well, except maybe Robert Sweet. He's barely an adequate drummer.
It was 1987 because I remember I saw them a few months before I graduated high school which was in 1987. Also, HURRICANE was touring for their EP, Take What You Want.
You are correct. They came here the next year, my freshman year in college. It was White Lion opening but nobody really knew them at that point, including us. Their sound and stage show were super tight. My seats were not the best, I was on the floor 3/4 back but it's still one of the best live sets I've seen.
Yes... and don't miss the chance to see them. They are a great live band. I just start walking out at the end before the preaching starts.
I always wondered why is the Stryper drummer so awkwardly situated on the stage? Why not facing the crowd like 99.999999% of the other drummers? Anyone knows?

Because he's not just a drummer, he's a "visual timekeeper."

Whatever that means.
So, yeah.. Ill add my "they're awesome live" to everyone else's.

They used to really zing the pocket Bibles into the crowd and tried to get them spread out instead of just to the people in the front, but they just did underhand tosses in 2003. :)