Are we signable?

I really think your good! Definately hear your influences in there...Though a label is going to want to see album sales and I'd suggest you get a singer and get out live. In order to generate sales and an audience, you still need to perform live the old fashioned way and get a buzz.... I know some incredible musicians in my town and they have no buzz, don't perform live, so no one listens or pays attn to them.
yeah totally agree,

aiming to record vocals within the next few weeks then with enough interest get gigging :)

awesome... I wish you the best... be sure to befriend us on myspace if we arent already!
Oinkness, what is wrong with Inside Out? They have some of my favorites, Evergrey, Symphony X... just curious to hear your thoughts...
Yeah, Everygrey and Symphony X are two incredibly popular bands. I'm sure Inside Out is very happy to have them and their money. :)
Yeah just remember don't get to down if things don't work out right away. This is a very hard industry . Just stick with it and In time it might very well pay off for ya'll. I wish you the best thats for sure.