Attention Supporters of the MN Metal and Movie Scenes and Friends of SwordLord...

Oh Nathan, I can't believe I missed this! I had no idea that you had to deal with all of this. I'm really, really sorry to hear it and I hope you know that my thoughts are now with you as you wrap everything up. I wish we could have had more time together this ProgPower - next year, my friend. <3
Always remember there's a lot of empty space between Minnieapolis & where I'm at, I'm always willing to help bury vandal's body parts for you!

Or here in New Mexico! Lots and LOTS of empty desert await!! At least we could drop the kid somewhere and make him do highway trash duty pick up. In the hot, sweltering, unforgiving desert sun. :heh:

Like I said at PP, I'm glad you are back up and running and that something positive came from the whole event: some remodeling help from the insurance.
You know, there are a LOT of huge farm plots in the nearby town of Leesburg if you need a place to put the head. =)

Congrats on getting everything back up and running Nathan!