Best pubs


Bestia Romana
Feb 14, 2003
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Im curious to know in wich pubs you use to go (...and to destroy :devil: )in your towns.If you have in mind to come in the future here in Roma you dont have to miss Transilvania's(where you can listen to every kind of metal)Tom Bombadil(folk music and really good beers from Austria)and Rock Castle(where in certain nights you can drink how much you want paying only few euros :headbang: ).In this way maybe we can write down a guide for the best heavy drinkers all around the world...
Tex. Tex is the place I've had the most soulful, memorable experiences in my whole youth! There's only metalheads there haha and they're my metal bruthas. Goddamn I've had some good times there, but next day I do not only have a headache but my neck hurts too! Goddamn always headbanging in there. Check it out at

NP: Suicidal Tendencies-Institutionalized
Woudln't know, here in America- we have that little problem of not being able to drink untill our body hits full maturity at 21... I hate being 18.

Right now the best pub Ive dug is a few cases of beer, a campfire and some buds chilling (literally, like in -10 to -15 degrees celsius type weather) in the woods.
LunarTower said:
Right now the best pub Ive dug is a few cases of beer, a campfire and some buds chilling (literally, like in -10 to -15 degrees celsius type weather) in the woods.

That's wonderful :headbang:
Aggressor said:
:lol: @ Patric's status: Ölkungen :p

Really cool picture you have in your signature Lunar!

Thanks, I figured the A.A. board peope would dig it... though the Dragonlord, Asgaroth & Children of Bodom people might be a tad confused...

Just so you know, its the cover art (just completed!) for Manegarm (outrageously good Viking Metal band)'s new album "Dodsfard"... ok yes, technically thats not how the band name or album are spelled exactly, because of germanic digits not included in the English alphabet.. but could anyone get me a translation of "Dodsfard"?

You assholes better buy Manegarm's back catalouge, or atleast their second album... Havets Vargar, and what the hell: also for translation- their first album: Nordstjarnans Tidsalder.

Album Covers:



Note: The Displeased records final releases of those albums made the cover arts look way cooler than that too...

Hell, here they Are (excuse my mad picture loading)

Nordstjarnans Tidsalder

Havets Vargar

(By the way, the cover for Havets Vargar is a bunch of dragonships landing on Im guessing,the english or irish coasts or so, and vikings raiding what I think is a monk's cloister... the main pic is of a viking bringing his axe down upon a monk holding a cross-pole, shielding another dead christian or something)

N.P.: Asgaroth: Red Shift, and next up: Cannibal Corpse: Tomb of the Mutilated- rerelease :devil:
Some translations ;)

Dödsfärd - Means the journey of death, kind of hard to describe, but I guess it would be your last journey, the one you take to Valhall...

Havets Vargar - Wolves of the sea.

Nordstjärnans Tidsålder - The age of the Northstar.

I will certainly check them out...
I checked out Månegarm earlier today, downloaded the song "Havets Vargar", and I must say that I loved the ending, with the female pride vocals, and when you hear the sword getting pulled out of its quiver...
Ahh that gives me goosebumps :p
Yeah,Ive been in Kelly's and its a pretty nice place.Have you ever been into a pub in the same area having EVERYTHING with garlic(Drinks,beers ecc)?I really dont remember the name but how I could forget the taste :heh: ?
Pentelesh said:
I dont go to bars so much, but when I go, its usually one of these.

Corner Bar (Helsinki, Bear is cheap plus metal music every night.)
Kantakrouvi (Helsinki, Bear is Cheaper plus metal music all the time!)

You've got Bears in the bars in Finland???
Man, you guys are crazy!
gnoff said:
Check out

I've added some of the places under Stockholm and Gothenburg.

gnoff, my friend, always promoting my website :)

Cadarn said:
In this way maybe we can write down a guide for the best heavy drinkers all around the world...

that´s just what my website is about... :)

btw, we have a brand-new forum at The Metal Travel Guide as well, feel invited to join! :)
Wow, a metal travel guide! This is fucking awesome! I'm impressed with the Swedish/Danish details as I hang around here everyweekend! Not that I remember much...

Garlic drinks? Garlic beers? eeewwww why can't they have strawberries or something?? To scare away the Goths??
There is a special drink in Northern Sweden where they mix icecream, champagne and moonshine by putting it all in a blender! Great stuff!
All I can say is that in general bars in US of A don't even compare to those in Europe. From the location to the decoraction to people that hang out in them, they're just bad all around. There are some half way decent ones but far and few between.
Tomasz said:
All I can say is that in general bars in US of A don't even compare to those in Europe. From the location to the decoraction to people that hang out in them, they're just bad all around. There are some half way decent ones but far and few between.

Of course not....this is true!! The best pub/bar I can think of where I am from (hollywood) is The Rainbow Room, it is a very vague Metal Bar, and it is a fun place to hang before shows....Other than that my 3 Favorite bars in Europe were:

1. The Corner Bar (Helsinki, FINLAND) Defintely an incredible experience (saw Children of Bodom there, and the Amorphis guys hang there often....Great drinks and all you can hear METAL!!)

2. Tavastia-(Helsinki, Awesome local bands, and after show gigs...Great drinks and another all METAL atmosphere!!!)

3. Cafe Maestro-(Helsinki Another awesome pub, a bit small, but the Metal selection in the Juke Box was very unique!)