Better know an Artist: IHSAHN

Palabra de Dios

Heavy Metal Weatherman
Mar 22, 2005
St. Joseph, MO
I am starting to recover from my Arcturus depression. I knew I would. It was a shock to have lost them for this year’s ProgPower, but there’s nothing we can do about it.

But Ihsahn is an INCREDIBLE replacement, and for you skeptics and casual fans, I hope this comes as a step toward welcoming one of Norway’s most talented musicians with open minds and open arms.

First, a little background on the man himself (some of this is Wiki, some of this is my own personal take):

He is best known for his work with Norwegian black metal band Emperor. He has appeared in Thou Shalt Suffer, up until March 4, 2006, played in Peccatum with his wife Ihriel (real name Heidi S. Tveitan), and now devotes himself to his solo project, Ihsahn. In his very early releases, he went by the name Ygg.

Emperor is one of the most popular black metal bands of all time. They were one of the first (and likely still one of the best) to incorporate ample keyboards into the black metal sound. Thou Shalt Suffer were a death metal band, and a damn good one. He’s also dabbled in symphonic arrangements.

Ihsahn’s solo material is quite a bit more progressive than former projects, but still keeps the black metal spirit very much alive. If you’re skeptical of the harsh vocals, I really encourage you to look up the lyrics to his songs, because they are quite good. He’s already performed live with his solo act a few time, including a few shows last year and an appearance at Wacken Open Air.

Here are some samples of a few songs we might expect to see live (based on sets he’s previously played).

Official video from a song from his first album, “The Adversary”

He’s played this song at all of his live shows, to my knowledge:

This one too:

Here’s a song from his second album, “angL”. It features guest vocals from Mikael Akerfeldt from Opeth. Live, the Leprous guys have helped with the singing of the guest vocals.

A song from his latest album, “After,” which is probably the most progressive of the trilogy:

And at least one of his shows, he’s made his Emperor fans quite happy by playing a couple of Emperor tunes, so here’s one for those with tastes that are a bit more extreme:

Final Thoughts:

Like Arcturus, this isn't going to be for everyone, I know that. But this guy really is a genius, folks.

If you were on the fence about Arcturus, prepare to dig that fence deeper in your ass with this one. Ihsahn’s invitation to ProgPower shows an even further shift in the formula (or lack thereof) for this festival. At its base this is the first black metal band to play this festival, albeit one that is truly transcendent and very progressive.

I really feel bad for those who will tune out just because of the harsh vocals. They are really the most appropriate style for this music, and Ihsahn has some of the best and most recognizable vocals in his respective genre. Most of this stuff is headphones music too, so really listen to it and give it a fair shot. This guy’s going to raise more than just eyebrows with his performance. He’s going to kill it…I know it.:headbang:

I just pray to Baby Satan that there’s nothing that happens between now and September to keep him from playing this fest.
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I wish I had caught Emperor live a few years ago when they did those NYC shows... At the time, however, I couldn't justify spending $100+ to see them. What a stupid mistake...

I'm ecstatic about Ihsahn. ProgPower got much better imo.

And Palabra, you're "recovering from your Arcturus depression"? That lasted what, short over 12 hours? Stop being a drama queen... :lol:
I think it might be worth noting that Ihsahn's band is basically Leprous.

So all you guys who liked Leprous last year will get to see them again... only with Ihsahn. :)
It's going to be awesome. I am depressed about Arcturus, but I love Ihsahn's solo material. I've never seen Emperor, but I have seen Zyklon. They were pretty good, but I think his ProgPower set will blow it out of the water. For anyone unfamiliar with his work, check out After first and work your way backwards through his discography. His first album, Adversary sounds closest to later-day Emperor. That is not a bad thing IMO, but I think his recent output will appeal more to prog fans.
Nice post Palabra. And I agree with Milton in that ProgPower just got way better with this announcement. This is turning out to be one of my most anticipated shows ever.
I approve this thread.

Ihsahn guested on Arcturus's The Sham Mirrors album on the song Radical Cut (which you'll find in my first post at Glenn's replacement announcement thread), and his Emperor cohort Samoth was an early member of Arcturus (in the Constellation/ My Angel days).

He doesn't YET have any musical venue that is clean vocals only (which have a Halford/King Diamond vibe).
Here’s a song from his second album, “angL”. It features guest vocals from Mikael Akerfeldt from Opeth. Live, the Leprous guys have helped with the singing of the guest vocals.

I love his studio work. I don't know much about what he does live, but based on this post, I'm looking forward to this even more.

It'd be really cool if Munkeby somehow came over and did the sax work...

I really feel bad for those who will tune out just because of the harsh vocals. They are really the most appropriate style for this music, and Ihsahn has some of the best and most recognizable vocals in his respective genre. Most of this stuff is headphones music too, so really listen to it and give it a fair shot. This guy’s going to raise more than just eyebrows with his performance. He’s going to kill it…I know it.:headbang:

I just pray to Baby Satan that there’s nothing that happens between now and September to keep him from playing this fest.

I'd kill (I'd have killed) to see Emperor black metal, but getting Ihsahn's solo stuff is going to be almost as excellent, missing Arcturus but this IS a good step up...can't wait!
Anyone who has seen Emperor live can certainly come in here and shove that in my face.

Will do! :D Saw 'em twice, and not at any of those goofy reunion $100 ticket cash-in shows either, since I'm not a big fat poseur. I saw 'em LAST CENTURY, man. Milwaukee Metalfest in 1998 and headining in 1999 (with Borknagar, Peccatum, and Witchery, mind you!)

I'd kill (I'd have killed) to see Emperor live...

Yeah, and I'm the one you would want to kill, since I thought they were pretty crappy both times I saw them. Sorry! Half because of shitty sound in shitty venues, and half because I'm just not that big of an Emperor fan.

The replacement of Arcturus with Ihsahn is quite illustrative for me, because while both bands are basically from the same sub-sub-sub-genre (post-black prog metal) and seem to have a strong fan crossover, I personally like Arcturus about 1000 times more than Ihsahn. Whether in Emperor or elsewhere, Ihsahn's writing and melodies have always just rubbed me the wrong way; his musical DNA just totally clashes with mine. Everything he writes is very sharp and angular and off-putting, while everything Sverd writes, even in its weirdness, is somehow warm and round and enveloping. In terms of scratching my itch, the two acts couldn't be more different.
