Beyond Twilight news?


Dec 10, 2006
I'm posting this on behalf of a friend who loves Beyond Twilight. He hasn't been able to find out any information at all about the band lately, whether they're currently recording or anything. I thought some of the people in the know around here might know something. Cheers.
Unfortunately, I probably only know as much as you do. I would love to see if they come up with anything new. The album For the Love of Art and the Making was just such an incredible piece of work. I would love to hear more of that.
Love their albums...

I remember asking Mike Eriksen if he knew anything about Beyond Twilight putting out a new album last time Circus Maximus played here. He and Truls guested on the most recent two albums and I gather they're all pretty tight. If I recall correctly there was something about one of the members of the band having a new baby or something like that.

Personally, I feel that vocally they have some pretty big shoes to fill to follow up those three albums and I wouldn't mind waiting indefinitely until someone absolutely amazing comes along...