Bin Laden is dead.

Seriously though, this is a huge deal, and from what I've read is the result of some major efforts by the intelligence community. There are so many questions about how he came to be in that location and who might have known, etc. We really need to reevaluate the level of support we provide Pakistan.
Seriously though, this is a huge deal, and from what I've read is the result of some major efforts by the intelligence community. There are so many questions about how he came to be in that location and who might have known, etc. We really need to reevaluate the level of support we provide Pakistan.

It's pretty obvious that he has been hiding in plain sight. A compound surrounded by a 20 ft wall, topped with barbed wire? I would imagine someone in the Pakistani intelligence community would have known quite well who lived there.
It's pretty obvious that he has been hiding in plain sight. A compound surrounded by a 20 ft wall, topped with barbed wire? I would imagine someone in the Pakistani intelligence community would have known quite well who lived there.

And right near their main military academy at that. Still, I really believed he was in some dismal cave in the mountains, accessible only by goats.
Aaaaand let the conspiracy theories begin... /GIANT EYEROLL

What conspiracy? It's pretty obvious that elements with Pakistan's government/military/intelligence were offering him aid of some kind. There's a reason we didn't let them know until after the operation was conducted.

This is conventional wisdom, not some far out Oliver Stone theory.
No no, I'm talking about the..

"Obama is lying! He did this so more people will vote for him!" conspiracy theories.

They're all over Facebook.

I really need to delete some people.
My favorite, so far:

Facebook 'tard said:
This is my theory, terrorists are not afraid to die so Usama and Obama had an agreement that he would get caught and die for Allah on Obama watch so that Obama will gain respect and get reelected. Now I know for a fact that they dumped him quick and in ocean so there was no burial site to be worshiped by followers.

Ah ha! It all makes sense, now!
I am with Justin....what conspiracy theories??? I am sure there will be some eventually but everything is pretty much laid out in black and white. Pakastan pretty much was hiding him but then gave him up last minute....very last minute. I am sure in the next coming years we will learn more about the whole thing but just be glad he is caught. I am just sick of the people praising Obama for getting him when all he did was give the go-ahead. It was the troops who got him and did the dirty work and risked thier lives.

Also, this does not mean the war is over. It is still just the begining. Like the news even said last night. Security will be even tougher for a while now wainting on repocusions. Now we have to worry about sleeper cells and other nut jobs trying to do stuff.