Brainstorm - Firesoul

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
The video is well on the dodgy side so lets concentrate on the song. Sure it sounds ok but it's not amazing by any means. I loved Downburst but I don't quite know what happened since. It's all gone down hill. This sounds a move in the right direction, but the chorus is not great at all for me. The bands does sound pretty energised but we'll see how the album turns out. Andy needs to work harder on making better vocal melodies. He nailed it on Downburst and it's all gone wrong since. I hope the new album is better but this song doesn't excite to be honest but at least it's not horrible.

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Video is kinda silly but the song is good. I mean, Brainstorm was never my fave band even if I enjoy them so I don't expect the new album to be top 10 stuff for me anyway so...
Solid song.

Brainstorm is a lot like Manticora for me. I love the vocalists, I love the approach, I love where their heads are sonically, but there's just something missing. Both are good bands, but both seem to have the potential for something more than what they've delivered to date.
Solid song.

Brainstorm is a lot like Manticora for me. I love the vocalists, I love the approach, I love where their heads are sonically, but there's just something missing. Both are good bands, but both seem to have the potential for something more than what they've delivered to date.

Right with you on both....for Brainstorm, Downburst pretty much hit what I was looking for....the other stuff, not quite and I can't completely describe why. Manticora I should be way more into, like you said, just missing something.
Listening to the promo now. Opening track Erased by the Dark is definitely in the right direction - very much in Soul Temptation mode. I am hearing some Metus Mortis in several of the songs - and that is a GOOD thing.
I mind being disappointed with Brainstorm's performance at PPX. Haven't bothered with anything from them since 2009. But will give the new one a shot. Hope there's some glory.
Listening to the promo now. Opening track Erased by the Dark is definitely in the right direction - very much in Soul Temptation mode. I am hearing some Metus Mortis in several of the songs - and that is a GOOD thing.

Right on....any new Brainstorm that sounds anything like Metus Mortis is a VERY GOOD thing.

Here is to hoping this is the case (to my ears)! For me, from Metus Mortus to Liquid Monster were the best albums with Soul Tempation being the pinnacle. They went way downhill after that. Downburst was just OK and Memorial Roots was downright boring. Did not even bother with On the Spur of the Moment after listening to a couple samples.

The track above has potential. Need to hear it couple more times and some other tracks to be sure. Here is to hoping that Brainstorm is back!
My first pass of this album constituted me listening to the first two tracks, writing it off as more Brainstorm mediocrity, and I deleted it from my phone. Yesterday I read a review for the album on Angry Metal Guy that made me give it another pass. I have to say, I totally loved it. Whether it will hold up to repeated listens remains to be seen. But for now it's going into heavy rotation.
Wasn't at all impressed on my first listen. Now after over a dozen listens, I love it. Not sure why it didn't click the first time around, but it sure does now. Hasn't left the CD player for a week.