Brutal guitar sound. Kind of Soilwork riffs...

your stuff is awesome ... please let me know when all work is done. "the chaos we breathe" is on heavy rotation iin my winamp, this one will be to. great song, great mix and brutal guitars - everything you'd wish for.
my first thoughts:
wow this :kickass:
strings (non-guitar) are too loud and a bit distracting from the rest
I really like those drums
beginning riff reminds me of a post from a while back by "Kromann" - "Ghost Cell - Mark of Cain"
I might be a bit compulsive with musical comparison, my brain just seems to automatically categorize everything and relate it to something familiar
btw, I'm not trying to hijack your thread, just wanted to share my honest thoughts

I like what I'm hearing so far really the only thing for me is the strings being out front a bit much
Awesome sound!
Do you have the possibility to post a DI guitar track and the reamped preamp out from the Cobra?
Would be cool to try some matching with other sims!

Thanks anyway