Corey's Rainbow in the Dark

Killing The Dragon was the only one that was ok. I could barely listen to MOTM for sheer, utter, plodding boredom G-man sorry!

I agree there is lot of plodding on MOTM but these 4 songs are not, they have good riffs by Goldy, are very melodic and of course have great vox. Do you remember them?

Living The Lie


One More For The Road

Death By Love
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Well, mine actually may be Shivers. Labrekk, thanks for posting those clips. I really like Master of the Moon, I think it's a great cd.
Hey, Milton,

To answer your question, I just always thought that Corey Taylor was a weak sauce singer. Never mind the mindless screaming he does in Slipknot. I just think he sounds boring with Stone Sour. However, he actually sounds fairly passionate on this Dio cover. I wish he would do some original music along these lines. I may get some flack for this, but I get a Fozzy vibe from this, which is cool with me.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Oh wow... I thought his performance on their last album was great!

I'm only commenting on the Dio cover. Kinda got a

from it.
Corey sings it way down. No biggie. A ton of guys can do that but not many can knock it out of the park in its original key.