Just realized this is the same night as Judas Priest/Thin Lizzy for which I already have a ticket. Darn. Well I've never seen Priest so I think it's the right decision. I think I've seen 3 about 4 times but not since The End is Begun came out. I need to get the new album.
Apt name for that fest. Some okay bands, some good bands, a lot of drivel.

Using words like "drivel" to describe bands on the internet used to be a gateway to kvlt points, is that still the case today? How many do you earn if so? Can you include "warlock level metal elitist" on your resume at that point? Maybe you can help me out bro.
Their show here is on a Monday. I'm glad there's only three bands; I should be able to go to this and still get up for work on time the next morning.
This show is sandwiched in between Mayhem the day before and Exhumed the day after, so that's three consecutive days I'll be driving an hour each way for TEH METAAAAALLLLLL!!!1111!!!
Scale the Summit won't be in St.Paul for this date, given they are already coming for the show with Protest the Hero on the 30th. Something involving a contractual agreement with that tour I guess.

Iron Thrones has been added to the bill instead.

oooh lucky! That band rules.