Darkology - Kelly 'Sundown' Carpenter


Dec 15, 2009
I can't help it, I'm a Kelly Carpenter fanboy and I think anything he puts his voice on is amazing. Darkology is no different for me. Musically, I think its a solid through and through. If someone asked me what style of music or metal I liked the best I would just as soon send them to the Darkology myspace or hand them the disc and tell them to listen to it cause I don't feel like explaining all that genre/sub-genre mess...it gets complicated after a while, especially with the people that just don't get it. :Smug:

You can read a review about their debut here: http://users.telenet.be/metaltoinfinity/DarkologycdcoverAlteredreflections.htm

Your thoughts?

Checked out some tunes. I think Carpenter's stuff on the Beyond Twilight album is much better. He seems to sing a lot like Midnight/Tate, but I'm not sure how well it fits the music. He's a great singer though.
Checked out some tunes. I think Carpenter's stuff on the Beyond Twilight album is much better. He seems to sing a lot like Midnight/Tate, but I'm not sure how well it fits the music. He's a great singer though.

Well that's probably because the Beyond Twilight stuff is leagues ahead of this. Listening to these tracks just made me wanna spin Section X.
Amazing singer. I'd love to see him join a great established band. I'm note sure how it'd go personality wise, but I've always thought his voice would be great in Lost Horizon. So Kelly if your reading this send em a demo lol.
Holy shit! Just got this CD today and it totally RIPS!!!! Thanks for the heads up- this is one of the best albums I've heard in a while.
If you were on the fence about this CD, allow me to persuade you to get it now. The packaging is also top notch.