Dead End Space - Distortion of Senses - Epic Swedish Prog

Two thumbs up...... They don't really sound like ANYBODY in particular, but at the same time sound like EVERYBODY. Very traditional old school prog metal, reminiscent of the late 90's / early '00s. Exactly my cup of tea, in other words.

Apparently this is a three-piece band, which I would not have guessed listening to the music.

Good find!!!
This 'Fire breath' dude sure finds some interesting stuff now and again! :kickass:

I've bought more than a few albums as a result of his postings. :lol:

This is pretty damn cool. I like it. I'll have to try to dig up an album of this as well.

Hell, since this is a new release (just came out in June 17, according to Amazon), you should post this in that "new song of the week" thread.

EDIT: As to comparisons as to who they sound like? They do have a pretty unique sound, but I will admit that in that second track that 'Fire breath' posted, I do hear a bit of Rush in there. Also, ended up downloading this off or Amazon. Cannot seem to find a CD copy of this available anywhere. Doing a 'google' of the album turned out a TON of dodgy "download this for free" sites, but no place to actually buy it in CD, so ended up buying it in MP3 off of Amazon (which also does not have a CD available - did the band even release this as a CD or digital only?).
Now that I've actually got a chance to listen to the album in its entirety, there is a definite Rush influence in there. I would not go so far as to say "worship", but there is no doubt these guys are inspired by Rush. If you are a fan of Rush, then I would definitely recommend checking this out as well.
This 'Fire breath' dude sure finds some interesting stuff now and again! :kickass:

I've bought more than a few albums as a result of his postings. :lol:

This is pretty damn cool. I like it. I'll have to try to dig up an album of this as well.

Hell, since this is a new release (just came out in June 17, according to Amazon), you should post this in that "new song of the week" thread.

EDIT: As to comparisons as to who they sound like? They do have a pretty unique sound, but I will admit that in that second track that 'Fire breath' posted, I do hear a bit of Rush in there. Also, ended up downloading this off or Amazon. Cannot seem to find a CD copy of this available anywhere. Doing a 'google' of the album turned out a TON of dodgy "download this for free" sites, but no place to actually buy it in CD, so ended up buying it in MP3 off of Amazon (which also does not have a CD available - did the band even release this as a CD or digital only?).

For those interested in buying a physical copy (such as myself) I found the following link on their FB page...