Exodus(Polish Symphonic)


New Metal Member
Mar 30, 2006
I know they aren't metal but I wanted too know if you will be getting the 5 cd box set by the Polish Exodus band back in? I was ready too put a nice large order in yesterday with this set as the catalyst and it dissappeared.:cry: Please say you'll be reordering this set. Thanks. Paul.

To be honest I had absolutely no idea there would be so much interest in it. I have more on order - should be here next Friday. If you want my personal copy you are welcome to it - as new.

lasercd said:

To be honest I had absolutely no idea there would be so much interest in it. I have more on order - should be here next Friday. If you want my personal copy you are welcome to it - as new.


Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure I understand, though. Does this mean you'll sell me your copy as new. If so, how do I order it without it being listed on the site? One more question. Will you be getting the French band Nemo in anytime soon? Thanks.
No plans to stock Nemo. Paul - easiest thing is place the order and I'll add on the copy of Exodus. Apart from my opening the shrinkwrap it's a new copy.

Thanks. I'll post the order tommorow and I do want the Exodus release added. Thanks again, I gotta get some sleep now . I'm exhausted and it's only 815. I guess I'm getting older. Oh well. :Smokin:
I posted the order I spoke of early this morning and added a note concerning including the Exodus boxset. Much thanks and I can't wait for the new CD's. I wish I had the money to buy everything I wanted. You have an awesome store seemingly tailored to my tastes. I have a few requests for albums. Could you get the other Germinale releases in. I'd be interested in "E Il Suo Respiro Ancora Agitata Le Onde" and their self titled first. Also Crucis's "Kronologia release". Two more would be Bacamarte's "Depois Do Fim" and Crack's "Si Toda Hiciera" release. It would be great if you could get the Uriah Heep remasters too. Thanks again Ken.