Fates Warning Performance?

No offense to the power metal people, but I think more so than the prog people, the power metallers are not as open minded. To be honest, you paid for the ticket and you might as well get your money's worth.

There is some truth to what you're saying. I know a lot more people who just listen to power metal than those who just listen to prog metal. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I know ANYONE who just listens to prog metal and not power metal. I should mention that I'm talking about the sort of prog metal that plays this festival, not that sort of prog-for-the-sake-of-prog self-important stuff. You meet a lot of guys that prefer prog metal but also listen to power (I'm becoming one myself), but you meet a lot of guys who only will listen to power metal.

That being said, it's a damn shame I couldn't see this. I'm hoping this gets the band back in gear and leads to some form of an actual tour eventually.
Yeah, no. I take it you aren't real familiar with them. Fates practically invented prog metal. They were damn good. Ray wasn't as good as he was the first hour, but I don't think it was he was hitting as much as he was losing breath towards the end. You gotta realize these guys are the oldest by far on the bill.
Are you kidding me? I've been a FW fan since 1990! I have their greatest hits CD and used to own APSOG and Disconnected as well. I also had Parrallels, No Exit, and another one. I was merely hoping they'd play their Arch-era power metal-that's all.
In the program it says they aren't gonna be touring for a while, but instead they're working on a new cd. Probably when they finish that (who knows when that will be) they will tour again. I see great things for them in coming years. I just hope they don't do support gigs anymore. They deserve to headline.
Fucking incredible!!! This is the true prog headliner for ProgPower!!!

And by the way, all of you guys who left early and didn't see Fates, shame on you. Missed a truly amazing performance!!
I stayed for their entire set but nearly fell asleep a couple times. They played about 6 songs that I liked quite a bit and the rest were OK. I noticed Ray wasn't going for the high notes at all. I hope his voice is OK. The band sounded tight musically-speaking. Overall rating: 7/10.
Are you kidding me? I've been a FW fan since 1990! I have their greatest hits CD and used to own APSOG and Disconnected as well. I also had Parrallels, No Exit, and another one. I was merely hoping they'd play their Arch-0era power metal-that's all.

True. I tend to neglect the Arch-era stuff since Ray won't sing it live anymore. He just simply can't get up that high. The stuff they play now is pretty much all real life experience stuff. I meant more of current Fates, not the really early stuff.
I am sorry to rain on the parade but I just think it is ludicrous that there is nothing from the Arch era. I feel like they even left out most of their great sings from the 90's..Silent Cries, etc.

I undetsnad that Ray may not be able to hit the notes but they could rearrange or should have had Arch try to join as a special guest (unlikely but still a dream).

Hagar sings Roth, Johnson sings Scott, Alder should sing Arch..period.
Just an insult to the long time fans IMO. Whey I would never go see FW nowadays. Even Dream Theater breaks out Pull Me Under now.
He doesn't try to sing the recorded high notes. He just sang really well. If the songs were re-recorded with how he sings them now, they'd be just as good, but different, imo.

I hear that. He knows that he cannot hit those highs like he used to and he went with that. He would have made it wound bad if he tried his heart out to hit those highs that he cannot do anymore. He did a very fantastic job as well as the rest of the band. The only beef I had was they did not play Say Goodbye. Oh well. Great ending to a great show. :headbang:
I was in tears. Fates Warning are my band. I was more or less taken back in time to 1996.

They really are the definitive band in this whole scene/genre/history. Really, from foundation standpoint, they filtered down the whole prog metal scene, and very much about what the ProgPowerUSA festival is about.

Being the 10th edition, it was perfectly fitting for them to appear.

I am sorry to rain on the parade but I just think it is ludicrous that there is nothing from the Arch era. I feel like they even left out most of their great sings from the 90's..Silent Cries, etc.
I undetsnad that Ray may not be able to hit the notes but they could rearrange or should have had Arch try to join as a special guest (unlikely but still a dream).

Hagar sings Roth, Johnson sings Scott, Alder should sing Arch..period.
Just an insult to the long time fans IMO. Whey I would never go see FW nowadays. Even Dream Theater breaks out Pull Me Under now.

Jon Anderson will not sing the Drama material.

also you mean most of their great songs from the 80's I assume?

If they were to play any of the Arch stuff, a special, unthinkable appearance of John himself, would have made sense.

You might want to consider something. Jim Matheos a number of years ago, in I believe it was James Bickers short-lived "Sea of Tranquility" publication, was asked about the Arch material and I am slightly paraphrasing, but he basically said

"I look back on that stuff, and realize what a dork I was."

In other words, it would hardly be surprising that Jim really ain't all that fond of the Arch music, which may be a big reason why they don't do it live.

I love John Arch, but to expect any of it would just be getting hopes up a bit too high. Really, just as unexpected as an appearance from John himself.
Soundscape-you could not be more correct. Jim has said he is embarassed by the first couple albums. People need to realize that Fates is a different band with Ray and they don't look back they look forward. If you like the Arch era-that's fine but that is not what this spectacular band is about.
I am sorry to rain on the parade but I just think it is ludicrous that there is nothing from the Arch era. I feel like they even left out most of their great sings from the 90's..Silent Cries, etc.

Its not like that was a surprise. I basically had the exact setlist on a playlist I was listening to on the ride there. They rarely play anything that old. In fact, youre lucky to get anything pre-Parallels. Besides, Ray doesnt really sound too great singing Arch anymore (if he ever did) - rearranged or not. And I have a feeling if he DID change the vox so he can sing it, people (possibly you) may think its changed too much and compain anywayz.

I wasnt against an Arch surprise appearance. That would have been real nice.
I thought they were amazing. Im fourteen years old and i never really listened to them but my father loved them. and for not listening to them i thought that they were great!!!
It was an amazing performance and the appropriate way to close out the 10th anniversary show. I can't get over how "spot on" everything was, considering the band hasn't played together in awhile. It goes to show you that Fates Warning are true professionals! :worship:

Probably slightly out of order:

Life in Still Water
Another Perfect Day
The Eleventh Hour
Point of View
Island in the Stream
Still Remains
Through Different Eyes
Nothing Left To Say

The Ivory Gate of Dreams

I'd listened to maybe 2 Fates Warning songs, ever, before yesterday. Their set blew me away without the benefit of nostalgia! Also, the rhythm section had this 'tightness' that I just could not get over. They were spot on, and grooved in a way that I normally don't hear at PP. Riverside was the only other band that I remember just groovin' it up like that.
Also, the rhythm section had this 'tightness' that I just could not get over. They were spot on, and grooved in a way that I normally don't hear at PP. Riverside was the only other band that I remember just groovin' it up like that.

All the more impressive given that Bobby (drummer) was only selected to play with them a few months ago, and likely had never played *any* of those songs prior to that point.

I also give Bobby ***MAJOR*** props that he didn't just play the songs well, he played them TRUE, meaning that he actually took the time to learn the songs AS RECORDED, and play them that way.

Honestly, I was horribly disappointed when it was announced that Zonder wouldn't be playing the festival, because I LOVE his drum parts. His style is so unique in metal, so HUGE thanks to Bobby for making the effort to learn them "as recorded" instead of just doing his own thing, which most drummers would have done. It made their show even more enjoyable to me, because though it wasn't Zonder, it was OK, because it sounded "correct" to me.
