First slayer dates announced!


Old School Youngin
Mar 10, 2002
north carolina
Visit site
there have been two dates announced one in san diego and one in milwaukee, this is secondary info from and that info came from ticketmaster, so keep yalls eyes open for slayer/hatebreed/arch enemy dates coming out in the very near future(i predict 2 weeks at best)
I think I might go if they come to Florida, although I'm having second thoughts considering I saw Slayer and Hatebreed together last time they were down here, and although Slayer was great, there are other shows I need to invest in. Also, I have little interest in seeing Arch Enemy.
I'd love to see them except I now I couldn't handle their pits. I'd get killed.

I actually have a pretty funny story on that subject. The first Slayer show I ever went to was in an Ampitheater in my area, and when the tickets went on sale, I decided to play it smart and get seats as far up front as I can(away from the lawn which was all the way in the back). Now despite the rather high-price, I was pretty intent on staying as far away from those pits as possible(call me a wimp if you wish, but when I go to shows, I come to see the band, not to hop around like a monkey),and hopefully getting as close to the band as my luck would allow. Well, I ended up with some fairly decent seats, but that's not what this story's about. You see, an acquaintance of mine was planning on attending the show as well, but he decided to go in the opposite direction, and purchase general admission lawn tickets instead. At about the halfway point in the show, I looked back at the lawn and was surprised at the fact that my vision of the field was obscured by a vast cloud of dirt, and the lawn had nothing but grass when I first came in! Well, it turned out alot of the fans ripped the patches of green grass from the ground and started throwing it at people! I thought it was hysterical and I couldn't wait to see the look on my acquaintance's face...I'll never forget his reaction as I stared into his tired eyes and asked him, "How did it go?" I waited a few seconds to allow him to catch his breath, and he yelled out, "Never...AGAIN!"

P.S. I realize this post was pretentious as hell...
if they came down to florida id just go to see arch enemy again thats about it, i dont even care much about slayer anymore since i heard god hates us all, its funny b/c i own almost all of their cds too

i too go to shows to see the bands, not to half hear the music in the backround and half run into other ppl
MightyDrynwhyl said:
if they came down to florida id just go to see arch enemy again thats about it, i dont even care much about slayer anymore since i heard god hates us all, its funny b/c i own almost all of their cds too

i too go to shows to see the bands, not to half hear the music in the backround and half run into other ppl

Dude, both times I saw Slayer was on the God Hates Us All tour, and both times they only played like 2 or 3 songs off the album. The other 15 songs were all classic shit. Every album gets represented fairly well.

Highlight of both of those shows: Postmortem, Straight into Raining Blood, then immediately into Hell Awaits.:p
my show highlight, 8/31/02, postmortem, alter of sacrifice, raining blood, sounds like PM and AOS shoudl be switched, but thats the way they did it and it totally dominated.
slayer show highlight, lets see, it got dark as soon as slayer went on, they opened with disciple (I don't give a fuck, that song kicks ass) then angel of death then right into AT DAWN THEY SLEEP... I really need to see slayer again...
I also love how polite Tom Araya is between songs.

"Thank you. Thank you all so very much, that really means a lot to us. Really it does. Anyway, this next song is off our Reign in Blood album.......


abysslooker said:
they opened with disciple (I don't give a fuck, that song kicks ass)

oh yeah bro, i fucking love GHUA, i could give two shits about waht anyone else thinks about the disc, i mean come on disciple, god send death, new faith, bloodline, payback, plus more i cant think off the top of my head, love the cd.