
Aug 5, 2009


I am so pissed right now, the worst thing has happened, shame on you Clegg for siding up to the tories, you sold out

Welcome to hell people
To cheer you up:


I wish I could be happy about that but I was excited when Joey went back to Anthrax 4 years ago and then it went tits up, I really couldn't care less who the singer is for anthrax anymore, they are a spent force and no longer are the exciting band they were 25 years ago when I 1st heard them
I'd have to agree. I'd also put Slayer in that category.

Whats the point of this thread again?
I'd have to agree. I'd also put Slayer in that category.

Whats the point of this thread again?

1) Slayer point is invalid as they haven't changed singers as such

2) Smug fuck Cameron of the Tory party is now PM of the Uk

3) As to all my threads, no point to them really, just flannel :rolleyes:

Eh, thats true I guess.

Who did what now? I saw something about it on the news, but I wasn't really listening to it. Somebody got elected Prime Minister? Why is he so bad?
Uuummmm...... Did you hear that sound? That was the sound of that joke going way over my head. :lol:
Uuummmm...... Did you hear that sound? That was the sound of that joke going way over my heard. :lol:

Basically, David Cameron (our new PM) is a reincarnation of Margaret Thatcher, who destroyed Britain in the 80s; stretching the gap between rich and poor, selling off our public services, causing mass unemployment and turnmoil within the working class which created an adverse knock on effect in Britain's poorer communities, destroying them. One could go on for days...
So he's your new G.W. Bush then huh?

There is a big difference with your Bush to ours, you lot were stoopid enough to elect him twice :p

We were sensible enough to prevent him from getting the keys to No 10 till Clegg became a Cammy arseboy and opened the door for all of us to be anally raped by the fuckin tories
So WHY is he such a bad... *ahum* excuse me

Aaa-stuu-RRRRRRRRRROID! Filling the sky
Aaa-stuu-RRRRRRRRRROID! Reflecting in their wide eyes
Aaa-stuu-RRRRRRRRRROID! An eternal moment in time

Sorry, I have to sing along at that part:p

So, WHY is this Cameron dude such a bad choice for a PM?

And why am I running into my own bloody name so much lately? I mean seriously, checked Vektors line-up and David DiSanto sings, a fellow metalhead in my school is named David, David Ellefson is back in Megadeth, checked Mustaines birthname lately and wouldn't you know it? David Scott Mustaine. And now this David "Avatar" Cameron guy.
There are millions upon billions of Davids in the world. They're ten a penny. It's even my middle name.

On the whole I think Clegg may have done the right thing. Now at least the Lib Dems may be able to change some things at least, as opposed to just having a few good ideas that will never happen. A pact with Labour was never realistic, because Brown has been a dead man walking ever since he took over. It's all going to depend on how far the Libs follow the Tory line...