Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire

Glenn Fricker

Very Metal &Very Bad News
Mar 6, 2005
22 Acacia Avenue
Anyone else into this series? The HBO TV adaptation was fantastic. The books are even better. Amazing story. Just got my copy of "A Dance with Dragons" today & it's freakin' awesome.

If you haven't read/seen the series & you dig fantasy, do yourself a favour & check it out. It's the best thing to come along since Lord of the Rings.

I'll +1 the books! They are awesome... such a great story. I don't have cable though and haven't seen the HBO series yet, but I can't wait once I either a) download it, or b) buy it on dvd/blu-ray when they're released.

I really wish someone would make a tv series about Robert Jordan's "wheel of time" series. These two series have been my go-to books for awesome fiction reading for the past 10-15 years. :)
I've become a fan too recently because of the series, although I made sure to read the first book before watching it. The books are awesome, especially the first 3. The forth book I found kinda slow and boring, not much exciting stuff going on. I just started the fifth book 3 days ago.
The HBO series is great too, one of the best book adaptations I've seen.
been watching a bit of this lately, they should really call it "doggy-style" which seems to be the main theme :) (joking) great show, no wonder the "imp" got nominated for an award - awesome character and acting.......
Long time fan of the books ... My copy of "A Dance With Dragons" actually just arrived yesterday so I'll be digging into that soon enough

As for the show ... There is really nothing I could complain about. It's amazing. The casting still blows my mind. By the way, wait until you see who they cast as Brienne for season 2 ... Again, perfect. Every detail down to the theme music is just fantastic
I've downloaded the 1st season, must find time to watch it. Really eager to do so, because everywhere it just gets excellent reviews.