

Nov 8, 2001
New York City


Glitter nail polish. It's too hard to get off.


Lime flavored anything

Windows in general



Bad spellers


Muh, Mah, and all its' variants


Sailor Moon

Dragonball Z

Dubbed anime



Space Quest 1-4

Poppy Z. Brite. I could puke in a pen and write better stories.

People who take themselves too seriously.

People who think I should respect them no matter how idiotic
they act.

Marilyn Manson, Orgy, Korn, ICP, and their ilk.

People who try to tell me those bands are goth.

Bright makeup

Shimmery makeup

Pink lipstick

Bettie Page bangs. Come ON, get some originality people!

Velvet velcro "bondage" collars

Flannel "bondage" pants

Kids who think they're into S&M because they let their
boyfriend/girlfriend hit them.

Kids who think they're hardcore because they wear a collar.

Spiked collars/bracelets/belts

Dog collars on people. It just looks stupid.

Rinestones on anything






Neon colors

Needing memory upgrades

Needing more memory upgrades

Trendy Star Wars fans who have never even SEEN the original 3

Supposed Star Trek "fans" who hate the Original Series.

DS9 and Voyager. Ick.

Babylon 5

Earth: Final Conflict

People who try to tell me the US has a "fascist" government

Accidently adding too much beeswax to my lip balm, then having
to try to guess how much extra oil to add.

My older VCR. It only plays/records in SP mode.

Centipedes in my room

Spiders in my room

The fact that my window can't be unsealed because it's FULL of
dead pillbugs. >.<

Garbage bees...I think they're called yellow jackets. They're the
bees that will try to crawl into your can of soda if you're drinking
it outside.

Horse and deerflies. Ouch!

My mold allergy.

Not having lip balm with me. I seem to be a bit of a lip balm

Smeary makeup. Stay within the lines people.

The Consumptive Panda® look

Designs drawn on the face with eyeliner (i.e. vines, squiggly lines,
spiderwebs, bats, flowers..etc..).

Frosty ANY shade of lipstick

People who suddenly became "glam" after seeing Velvet

Second rate "web designers"


People who get their "goth" wardrobe soley from Hot Topic
and/or Contempo

Slang in general




People who think they need any of the above to "have a good


Giving criminals more rights than victims



Cleaning my fish tank and getting dirty fish water all over me.

Leeches (the animal)


Falling into blackberry bushes. It tends to hurt.



"Crotch Rockets"...they're those "motorcycles" that are usually
very brightly colored and look like toys. They whine while
accelerating, and their riders tend to be college aged males with
helmets that match their bikes. They also tend to travel in packs.

South Park

Beavis and Butthead

The fact that any dimwitted simpleton can now get on the

...without a computer.

AOL. After 3 years, you'd loathe it too.

WebTV. It's just plain wrong.

"User friendly" computers. I was happy when you had to actually
have a brain in your head, learn and know what you were doing
to get your computer to like you.


...especially the iMac and iBook. They look like TOYS!

Packard Bell, Compaq and generally any other "buy it pre-
assmbled" computer.

The fact that I go through mice like a wildfire through dry brush

Power failures. I need a UPS.

Living in a house wired for 1959. Do you KNOW how many power
strips plugged into power strips plugged into power strips I


Artificial watermelon, strawberry, peach, raspberry, and grape
flavors. Especially artifical grape and strawberry, they make me

Aeris/Aerith, oooooh she's ANNOYING!

Tifa, Terra, Rosa, Lenna, Faris, well, you get the idea here.



Motorboats who don't watch out for canoes, or who purposely try
to swamp people in canoes.

Fish that nibble at my toes, it feels weird.

Having muskies and northerns try to eat my feet. Not fun.

People who intentionally run over small animals, I'd like to mow
them down and leave them to die.

People who mistreat animals

People who think animals are "dumb"

Math and all its evil forms

Teenagers who think they're Druids




Glitter "goths"

People who say "goth is dead", yet insist on looking goth,
listening to goth music, going to goth clubs, going to goth events,
hanging out on goth messageboards/chat rooms/newsgroups,

Horrendeously normal people who pretend to be "freaky" to hide
their normalcy. Mansonites and Gothics fall into this category.

18-22ga gold wire rings through the nose, eyebrow, or lip.

People who think they're "freaky" because they have a tiny
lip/eyebrow/nose ring. Oooo, you're SOOO damn freaky.

Needles. I have a fear of needles for some reason.

The piercing shop here that actually did a genital piercing on a girl
with a GUN! Egad! >,<

GIANT labret balls. Can we say "tacky"?

Septum piercings. They remind me of the rings they put through
bulls' noses...I always want to walk up to people with septum
rings and YANK them.

People who adamantly swear they're not goth and that they hate
goth, yet they listen to goth music and dress goth and say
they're "individuals".

People who claim to be "anti trendy". Believe you me, "anti
trendy" is one of the biggest trends around today.

People who wear baggy black jeans, lots of wallet chains, and
baby t's/Manson/Korn/NIN/Orgy/Placebo/etc..shirts and call it
a "goth" outfit. WTF?!

People who actually believe they're vampires. Pretending and
playing a game is one thing, when you start to believe it you
have a problem.

People who think "goth is what you make it". If that were true,
every human being on EARTH would be goth! As shallow as it is,
goth is HEAVILY based around fashion and music. That fashion is
comprised of about 98% BLACK clothing. Don't like it? Find a
different subculture that caters to bright colors and sparkly glitter
crap, or that caters to Manson/Orgy/Korn kids. Goth isn't what
you're looking for.

The pink trend. People who worship pink, dress in it, put it all
over their pages, then get pissed when no one recognizes them
as "goths".

"Web designers" who don't even KNOW HTML and use a
WYSIWYG for everything because they think HTML is "hard". If
you're going to put a page up LEARN! Use the few remaining
brain cells you haven't wasted yet. The best editor there is is
Notepad.exe, or if you're on a Linux/Unix box...try vi.

People who think they don't need to learn that "geeky HTML
stuff" because it's "for nerds". If it's for "nerds" why are you
putting a page up? It uses HTML...nerd.

Losing my wizards/sorcerers/callers to "valiant deaths" in the
Final Fantasy games. Dammit, Tellah was one of the best(come
ON he had Meteo!!) and he had to go and be all heroic!

The fact that useless characters like weak, spoony bards are
never heroic like that. C'mon, they're fairly useless, why can't
THEY be heroically sacrificed?

The word "muchly".

Using the word "covet" to mean one likes something. i.e. "I covet
this skirt." Sad.

Many other words that are listed here

The "it's kewl to be a geek" trend. Here's a hint, just because you
use Redhat doesn't make you a "geek". Just because you can
write HTML doesn't make you a "geek". Just because you can do
stupid little javascripts, DHTML things, and other stupid webpage
tricks that are easily found on ANY "free HTML help" site doesn't
make you a "geek". And if you use a Mac exclusively, it'll be a cold
day in Hell before you're a "geek".

Similar topic: People who think they're "hackers" because they
know how to download other people's password stealing scripts.

Most people who own computers and most people on the web.

The new people entering the CNS program. 98% of them are
total morons who don't know the first thing about computers, but
signed up for CNS because they heard "that's where the money
is". However, I do like some things about them.

Leniency towards criminals.

Parole for murders, rapists, and child molesters.

People who think the above deserve even basic human rights.
They'd deserve them if they were human, by committing the
above acts they've demonstrated that they are NOT.
Wow, I think that I could either get along with this person really well or fucking split their skull after two minutes with them. I can't decide. (although I agree that the word "muchly" looks and sounds pretty annoying)
Dislikes alcohol?!?
