HATCHET: Two New Songs 'Tearing Into Hell' And 'Prophet Of Delusion' Available For St


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
"Tearing Into Hell" and "Prophet Of Delusion", two new songs from San Francisco Bay Area thrashers HATCHET, can be streamed below. The tracks are taken from the band's third studio album, "Fear Beyond Lunacy", which will be released on October 30 via The End Records. The follow-up to 2013's "Dawn Of The End" marks the recording debut of the new HATCHET lineup behind founding member, vocalist and lead guitarist Julz Ramos: Clayton Cagle on guitar, Kody Barba on bass, and Ben Smith on drums. The new members have injected the band with a surge of raw energy, and fans of HATCHET will be satisfied with this revived enthusiasm laid into the recordings. Ramos said: "The faster, thrashier tracks hit harder than ever before, while the melodic stuff is catchier and we've even experimented with some heavier, slower tempos." Commented Ramos: "'Tearing Into Hell' is a song for the evil of this world. "I have a strong fascination with serial killers... the type that build up a huge body count over their 'career' as a killer. "It's basically about someone who doesn't just go to hell or wants to, but one who does so many heinous things that they make a grand entrance into hell. They essentially tear into hell and make it their domain...sounds like fun.... "'Prophet Of Delusion' refers to the world's many leaders who feign their true intentions. This is a global epidemic and you never know who your are putting your faith in. I guess I was really inspired by the Jonestown massacre that occurred in the late 1970s. People believed this guy was a prophet of god, gave up their personal belongings and money to him and even some of the men and women gave themselves to him. All for what? To drink a poison that killed all 900 of them in the end. The lyrics that really point to this are the chorus: Prophet of Delusion, trust beyond your life! Deceiver of believers, your destinies are mine! Makes for excellent thrash subject matter." Regarding the "Fear Beyond Lunacy" cover, Ramos said: "The artwork was done by Andrej Bartulovic from All Things Rotten, who also did our previous album cover for 'Dawn Of The End'. The artwork depicts what I see us becoming as a modern society. A society of fear-engrossed, media-addicted slaves. We are constantly hooked on what our media and TVs are feeding us to believe to be true and what we should be afraid of today, tomorrow, next month/year etc. I feel this is particularly true with Americans. There is always some big conspiracy happening or natural disaster predicted by someone hundreds of years ago that everyone in some form or another seems to live their lives in fear of. It's getting out of hand, and that's what this picture represents; someone who is ultimately driven insane by this and where we can all be heading if we are not careful." "Fear Beyond Lunacy" track listing: 01. Where Time Cannot Exist 02. Living In Extinction 03. Lethal Injustice 04. In Fear We Trust 05. Killing Indulgence 06. Dead And Gone 07. Tearing Into Hell 08. Prophet Of Delusion 09. The World Beyond 10. Frozen Hell (bonus track) 11. Awaiting Evil (bonus track) ** ** Available only with purchase of vinyl edition "Fear Beyond Lunacy" can be pre-ordered at www.theomegaorder.com/hatchet. After releasing two demos, HATCHET's debut album, "Awaiting Evil", was made available in mid-2008 via Metal Blade Records. The CD was well received by thrash enthusiasts around the globe and proved a great beginning for the band. Since the release of the debut, HATCHET has completed three full DIY U.S. tours and has shared the stage with SOILWORK, JEFF LOOMIS, THREAT SIGNAL, BLACK TIDE, CELLADOR, EXMORTUS and FLOTSAM AND JETSAM.

