heaviest band


Wipe out every last human
Mar 4, 2005
what is the heaviest band you know of?
i would probably have to say the heaviest band i know,is BEHEMOTH
In terms of guitar tone and riffwork: Dark Angel and Exhorder.

In terms of tone/distortion, production: Probably most drone doom bands...Sunn O))), despite my disliking of them, are heavy as all hell by these terms. As are Electric Wizard and many others.
Ceremonium is a good band but Sunn 0))) is obviously the heaviest I can think of (not that it makes them any good)
Stuff like Fleshcrawl, early Demigod, Immolation, etc certainly applies.

I *almost* locked this for being redundant, I will the next - No more heaviest band threads please.
T3hLep4rAffinity said:
Not this shit again.
Yeah, I really don't see how anyone can say that Black Sabbath is the heaviest band ever by today's standards. And the thing is, in every thread about the heaviest band, several people always claim that Black Sabbath is the heaviest. Sure, back in the early 1970s, no other band came close to being as heavy as they are, but nowadays, there are countless bands that are far heavier.