Hey Dan, were you ever into bands like Alice In Chains and Soundgarden?


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
You know back in the day. I've always thought the late Layne Staley of Alice In Chains had one of the most emotional vocals ever and I was wondering if you liked their music or what your stance was on the whole Seattle thing. Besides bands like Pearl Jam and Nirvana, it is the more Sabbath-influenced AIC, Soundgarden as well as the more underground acts Skinyard and Green River that I like a lot.

Dan och Drette mention being into bands like Soundgarden in the Headbanger's Ball interview they did back in... -93?

I never liked Alice in Chains and Soundgarden...naah, not really. Black Hole Sun is genius but the rest I can do without. My love from the grunge time was the selected works from Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins and Pearl Jam. My greatest love around the grunge era was Buffalo Tom, which was not really grunge, but hey, everything where a member once wore a flannel shirt was grunge in 1991??
if you didnt let it slide he wouldnt care. you're not one of HIS heroes ^_^
alice in chains is decent. soundgarden blows as did nirvana
But Dan cares for his fans!

Alice in Chains are my favourites when comparing to Soundgarden, Nirvana and Pearl Jam.
But all of them had awesome singers. I think Chris Cornell has a 4 octave range with his normal voice o_O