Hey Glenn, In Honor Of My Birthday Today...


Crazed Diet Coke Addict
Mar 12, 2003
Baltimore, MD
How about e-mailing me the rest of the line up? I swear I won't tell anyone. :devil:

OK, maybe the cat. But he has a short attention span, so I'm sure he wouldn't tell anyone. Hell, given my advanced age, I'm lucky I have an attention span...:Spin:

Happy Birthday, Dave! :Spin:

May your day be filled with music and romance.....hehe It IS Valentine's Day, after all. Hope you and Mare can stay awake long enough to do it tonight...... you know, since you're so old and all..... :D

Are you coming down for Seven Witches/Odin's Court at Jaxx this Saturday?

Hmm, well, my birthday hopes have been dashed, all that's in my Inbox is random spam like "Increase Your Ejaculation By 511%". Which is a really odd number when you think about it. After all, who sits around and says, "Hmm, I have increased my ejaculation by 500%, BUT IT'S JUST NOT ENOUGH, DAMMIT!!!" I love spam headers...

Anyway, I will have to re-focus my svengali-like powers to work on Glenn from such a distance. Victory shall be mine! Or something...