Hip-wader time[gonna get deep]


Mar 26, 2009
Frederick, md
Life's Hard Lessons

Ken's been thru alot; but has kept his cool for the most part.
yet his every day life, has changed.
let's talk defication.
for most of us, its just slide off our jeans, and poop.
for ken, he's got to stick that leg straight out;
thats got to be uncomfortable
let alone the hygene that follows.

so because this is a forum,
and because we, in certain ways,
have all gone thru, with ken, his pain frustration, bodedom and,
yes anger

what Life's Hard Lesson have we all learned?

please send in your response


this is like the beginning of Trout season in the finger lakes
lots of nibbles, nothing else

Life's Hard Lesson #1

"don't fire up the grill, immediately,after an ice storm!"
Oh well, I thought it was the best of the ""Lasers Edge"" label on a cd.. ( not a bad idea thought):lol:
just in case my dry humour makes me forgetful......................
what was i gonna say?
oh, a

Have a great time next week at ROSfest
sell tons of stuff
enjoy the empathy
eat burgers, steak, and Pizza

and don't let what you can't get, get to you

gotta go;
they're gonna snap the bones in my right leg
back together again
this afternoon

otherwise, they fine at poking ya;
or being embarrassed
the snap ain't that bad;
its walking around for an hour to see if it stays in that position

enjoy the HEAT this weekend

and enjoy the NFL draft

Anybody need a lied-to quarterback?

in plain truth, my reference to trout season gives reference to the school where it occured. In 1967, I attended St. John's Atonement Seminary, in Montour falls ny; and at the age of fifteen, my experience with creeks, let alone fishing[ a child from DC] was the garden hose at the side of the house; and gold fish at GC Murpheys. But we used to walk up the creek beds during trout season, supposively, scaring the fish, accordiong to the anglers who yelled at us to get out of the creek.

In forty years, my knowledge of both hasn't moved much from the spot where it once was.
