Holy crap balls, a Rev+ for $767!?!?!?!??!?!

Yuppers, I just scored a Rev+ from Amazon for $767. Unreal. It was advertised as new but this has to be a mistake. Last night when I saw it, it was $787 and when I logged on today it was down another $20. Unbelievable.

I don't even know if I like Kranks.....:heh: AILD sure make them sound good :kickass:
Well if it's used, that's about what they go for anyway...

I would check and make sure it's not a Rev Jr. mislabeled as a Rev+
No, it's brand new and not mismarked or anything.

Just checked Amazon again and the price is back up to $1,599.00. I figure it must have been "must sell a certain number by certain date" kind of thing or something. I practically stole the thing.

We'll see if I like it.
So the Krank showed and wouldn't you know it, UPS fucked it all up. This is #4 of the last 5 heavy(more than 10lbs) item shipments that has been fucked. It's also the third amp(of three that I've bought) in the last 6 months they have destroyed. UPS batting 1000 on amp destruction.

So I pick up the box, and hear glass....never a good thing :cry:

I get the box open and the power tubes are canted at a 45' angle with the farthest right just loose in the package. All four have had the guide pin broken off so who fucking knows if the vacuum is still good or not. The sockets also seem a little loose, don't know if that's normal for Kranks. It's not that way with my Marshall, Peavey, or Boogies.

I'm so fucking pissed off I can hardly type. I'm pretty sure it's the local muppets breaking shit as I've never had this much trouble with UPS. Once I moved here, it seems they can't deliver a 1lb box without it being crushed, urinated on, skimmed through for stuff to steal, and generally wiped with defecate.

UPS, you make me want to :puke: Now it will be another fucking week to get a replacement and another fucking week before I can post a clip or something. Fagulas! :mad:
Replacement showed up, holy shit, this thing sleighs! Not what I would call a "versatile" tone but it does metal and does it well. Can get very saturated but remains very clear and articulate. Reminds me of a VHT, dynamically not tonally. If your chops are off, it shows, big time. The trade off is a really tight, compressed, sizzling gain. Not everyone's cup of tea but I think I like it. Not for everything but when I'm doing AILD covers or the like, it's just what the doctor ordered.

Will work on clips(otherwise it didn't happen right) and hope to get them up very soon. Plan on blending with a 6505+ which should be the tits. Man, I really did steal this thing.
Glad you like it.
When I got my first Rev, I really had to clean up my playing, having come from a 5150!!
The trade off is super clear chords and no mush or hisssssssssssss.
Looking forward to your clips.