Hot Topic CD!


Feb 22, 2003
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Yeah, well I went into a Hot Topic store the other day because I had to kill some time and there wasnt anything else to do. Anywho,after laughing at the punk/goth/loser clerk for a minute or two and checking out the cool good charlette t-shirts(thats sarcasm folks), I went browsing through the cds. I actually found a good metal compilation album put out by hot topic for only 4 bucks.

its called Metal for the Masses and had some pretty good bands like:

-Dark Tranquilty
-In Flames
-lacuna coil
-and a few i havent heard of but were pretty decent like Shadows Fall,Darkane, and Hypocrisy. Are these new bands?

21 tracks for 4 bucks was a steal. Hopefully some little poser punk loser will pick it up and see the light(or dark):devil:
hypocrisy have at least 10 years in the industry, and are quite good, darkane are new in comparison,
think they've released 3 full-lengths which are decent, some black-thrash-mixture, not quite my cup of tea.
haven't heard shadows fall.
Hypocrisy is one of my all time favorite metal bands, they've been around quite awhile, and even have a forum here at UM. ;)
Hypocrisy have been around forever, they are first wave swedish death metal.

All the bands on that cd are quite mainstream, i think it was put out by Century media and nuclear blast USA.
i saw Haunted - One Kill Wonder at hot topic the other day.. made the trip worthwhile.. but hell, i'd buy that compliation for $4.
Dying Sun said:
God forbid that anyone not like the same bands that you do, mainstreamer.

Yeah, like metal is really fucking mainstream to start off with
Maybe there is a reason why no ones listens to your "elitist" bands.....

Has for the guy who wanted all the tracks.Here ya go:

-shadows fall: thoughts without words
-arch enemy: ravenous
-skinlab: anthem for a fallen star
-god forbid: mind eraser
-dark tranquility: monochromatic stains
-sentenced: excuse me while i kill myself(This band is so fricking awesome me thinks)
-SYL: devour
-Yakuza: Yama
-Scar Culture: Branded
-Shadows fall: destroyer of senses
-Lacuna Coil: Swamped
-Tapping the vein: sugarfalls(This was the worst song on the cd.It wasnt even metal)
-In Flames: Cloud Connected
-Meshuggah: Rational Gaze
-Dimmu Borgir: Puritania
-Soilwork: As We Speak
-Raunchy: Drive
-Immortal: Sons of Northern Darkness
-Darkane: Innocence Gone
-Hypocrisy: Another Dead End
-In Flames: System
Dying Sun said:
Yeah, there is. The bands I listen to refuse to cater to bourgeois tastes and populist demands for mindless entertainment.

Thats just a shitty excuse for making bad music and not selling any records.
Dying Sun said:
*Yawn* This is the same logic that Britney Spears fans use. Popularity and quality have nothing to do with each other. Indeed, good music is almost always LESS popular than bad music, given the greater stupidity of the human race.

Wrong. For example, Opeth is very popular.Why?They are really good and alot of people have recognized that fact, bought their albums, and told other people how good they are.
I guarantee if Opeth sang about nihilsm or if they had nazi beliefs, all these little elitist fudge packers would eat the shit up with a spoon.The thing you have to understand when talking to shits like Dying Sun is that if the message behind something isn't able to be twisted to fit their moronic ideals, or if it's not Danzig (whose dick all the elitist fools would suck), it's got no artistic merrit and they won't give it a chance. They're just limiting themselves and will end up far stupider than the humanity they hate because of it.
Ol' Dirty Bastard said:
The Chasm sucks.

I bet you've never even heard the band, and if you have, you're probably judging the band based on one song or simply one listen to an album.