How do you metal heads dress? Also what other people think of you?


Heavy Metal Maniac
Sep 29, 2002
Union, NJ, USA
I'm curious as to how we all dress here when we are out and about.

I am usually wearing a metal t-shirt (I have tons of them), a pair of jean shorts, and my Air Force One Sneakers for the summer. Othertimes of year I usually wear a metal shirt, with a pair of jeans and my sneakers or a pair of boots. I don't always wear a metal t-shirt. Some time a button down shirt with usually a plain white or plain black t underneath it or sometimes even a metal shirt underneath it. For the most part I am usually representing a metal band.

I know the way I dress its hard to attract girls but I don't mind. I once tried the whole "wear whats cool" thing and sure I got more attention from the females but I realized I wasn't me. The real me just wears what im comfortable with and not what everyone else is wearing and the real me doesn't care what other people think. I have a friend Jessica who is one of my best friends. She is a very beautiful girl, dresses nice, but she doesn't believe in all that popularity nonsense. When she met me I was still wearing what I wear now and that is my metal shirts and she looked past that and got to know me for who I am and not judge me on how I dress. She made me realize that there are other girls out there like her who will respect what I like and like me for me. They are hard to find but I know they are out there. I don't have a girlfriend right now but I know some day I will find the right one. Also most of my guy friends don't listen to metal but they are cool with what I am into and how I dress and don't mind my interests. They actually think what im into is cool and are amazed by my love for the music and how its so important to my life.

Suprisingly I don't get too into chicks who are into metal. Its rare I find a girl who is into metal and even more rare I find one I am attracted o. Sure I know there are beautiful girls out there who are into metal but for the most part I am not attracted to most who are. I know personality is what counts but looks definetly play in because you have to be attracted to a person to want to go out with them. Most girls I know who are into metal are usually nice people but in the looks department don't float my boat.

How do all of you present yourself when going out and what do other people think of you? Do you have a hard time finding females? If you are a female do you have a hard time finding guys? Post all about it here, if you have any stories even better.
I own a handful of band tees, but I don't have any actual "style.." I don't go searching for trendy stuff (I think that trendy bullshit has died out nowadays) - I dress in what is comfortable, clean, and decent enough to wear. I don't look for shit written on my t-shirts (except, of course, if it's a band tee) - shopping for clothes is definitely not my favorite thing to do, and is never really planned or carefully thought-out..

It's not the clothes that make the man. It's their price.. I mean.. it's the man that makes them :). For some people, a certain kind of clothes (be it trendy, anti-authority, anti-mainstream, metal, etc.) is a way of expression - and to me it's not. If your clothes are decent and not memorable, it means that you don't pay that much attention to them with other shit on your mind. If it's all dirty and black and worn out, it means that you're a nasty motherfucker.. It's no rocket science..

Back in Russia I once bought a Cannibal Corpse sweatshirt with a violent, almost necrophilic picture on it. Wore it here.. Wasn't a big deal, got a couple of chuckles.. Nobody thought I was serious :).
TheGraveDigger said:
I know the way I dress its hard to attract girls but I don't mind.
Thing is, the girls you don't attract when wearing what you want to wear aren't worth shit at the end of the day anyway.
I usually wear just a tee shirt(usually a metal shirt or a plain shirt), i wear jeans, ripped or not, i don't care. I wear chain wallets because i like the jingle-jangle sound it makes when i walk(i really do, i'm not joking), i wear jean shorts, or sometimes black or blue cloth or silk shorts. I wear just regular casual tennis shoes, whatever brand, i don't really care. I'm wearing Puma brand tennis shoes right now. I'll also wear my denim jacket with band patches all over it, and i even have a leather biker jacket i enheirted from my Mom's fiance who died about 4 months ago for the cold days. I also wear a pure silver chain necklace my mom gave me for a birthday present a couple years back. Nothing fancy, just whatever works.
Im always wearing a band shirt because the only t-shirts i have are band shirts lol i have loads. Usually i'll wear my german army shirt which is covered in patches and some baggy faded trousers with my boots and a chain. I always wear a black beanie hat but thats not really for fashion reasons, i was on medication for years and it made my hair fall out so its all thin and getting baldy around the back, im very self concious of it. Anyway, i wear whatever really, other than t-shirts i dont really have many pairs of trousers and shorts etc... I have a pair of dark blue vans and a pair of black and silver new rock boots
I went through a phase when I actually wanted to look bad, so that no-one would be attracted to me because of my looks. I still don't really care about looking good, because girls who primarily go for looks (eg, 99.99% of the population) aren't worth bothering with. That way, if a girl wants me when I look bad (because of my personality), I'll make myself look good for her 'cause she's deserved it.

Anywho, I wear metal shirts. I like it when I walk past other metalheads and there's that knowing glance, hehe. Another thing, if my mum goes and buys an Adidas or Nike shirt for me, I'll still wear it sometimes. I don't care about going against the 'trend' or whatever, there's no point wasting my mum's money, as long as the shirt is comfortable.

Generally, I think that the whole appearance-being-important thing fucks up the world. It's certainly fucked up the music industry.
Meh... Used to dress all-black, with leather jacket and shoes. Had long hair, which grew very thick and became harder and harder to maintain. Woke up one day and got tired, cut off half the length, bought some beige and white clothes and shocked the entire gang of friends. I just cut my hair again, to about 3-4 cms, and I now usually wear white, brown, black or beige clothes.

While it is true that girls that judge you by your appearance usually aren`t worth bothering with, due to their shallowness and the fact that they are extremely insecure, looking clean and well-dressed is not something to scoff on. I doubt most of you would have enjoyed a girl who wears a baggy, worn-out bandshirt, nasty riveted black jeans and has long, unkempt hair. Platonic relationships are one thing, but if you want a physical and intimate relationship with someone, looking good is probably a good idea. Myself, I don`t spend a terrible amount of time on my appearance. I shower every day, comb my hair, cut it every now and then, add some gel to it. I change outer clothes every second day, underwear every day. Due to my natural pale skin tone, tanning is difficult but I try to not look like a corpse. As a boy, you really don`t need much more than that...

And lo behold, I do have a girlfriend and a fairly pretty one at that. She likes Sonata Arctica, X-Japan and Nightwish, she is a pretty good classical pianist and an allround cool chick. While we get along well now, and she probably doesn`t care much for the way I look these days, in the beginning phases of the relationship, she might have been ticked off if I looked like a bum.
Tight jeans, band shirt, leather or denim jacket, white sneakers, occasionally flannel.

It's typical 80's Thrash look, but it's what I like to wear, I enjoy it heaps.
I don't have many band tees, and I only wear them when at home, since that is pretty much the only time I can. It's not like I'm a student and can wear band tees to school every day; unfortunately I am older than that. When you go to work, you have to dress appropriately. When you go out on weekends, you can't wear jeans, band tees, or sneakers either. So I dress the way I have to dress, as opposed to the way I want to dress. But at least it attracts lots of attention from girls, especially going out on weekends. So my appearance isn't very metal, especially since I have short hair.
Well, i'm not too concerned about my appearance....although I like to wear a band T whenever I can, and i'm often in black jeans and black boots and if it's extremely cold (extremely) i'll wear a heavy black navy-issue cotton dress coat. But...just as often, i'll be wearing fashionable white cargo pants or normal jeans and some plain t-shirt, long-sleeved jersey or dress-shirt. I tend to just wear what i've got clean. =)

meh....although i'm not concerned about how I dress, I still like to make myself a presentable person. While I completely agree that people who judge and dismiss on appearances are shallow, it's a fact that there's a LOT of people like that, and while I don't go to pains to impress anyone, I certainly make sure that I don't look like a state...because it's not doing yourself any favours; you may as well spend an extra 5 minutes to make yourself look presentable to the world. Good impressions are important, even if they are by appearance only.
I always wear some type of Metal shirt (right now it's Black Sabbath) and a pair of blue jeans. Always. The people in my neighborhood think it's weird, since no one listens to Metal, but I don't care anyway.
I run around naked

hm no ok I don't have a style I just have some clothes that I bought or my mom bought many years ago. And off course band tees and longsleeves. I through others eyes I can look like a 2nd hand rocker the one day and a black metal freak the other.

I don't care about styles. I'm kinda against it. It's definetly not my thing to care about. But I admit that I find people with long hear and a cool metallook more interesting than others
.... but I have theese two jackets that I care about. The green military jacket that I bought in a fleemarket in london has the Immortal and the At The Gates logos drawn on it and a huge Abyssic Hate logo on the back. The other dressjacket that I bought in Roskilde propably belonged to some old guy and has bandpatches all over it.

These I wear (like band tees) to show who I am and probably to show off he he he he
i usually just wear jeans and a band tshirt, in the summer tho sumtimes just cut off a pair of jeans,
i get the odd eeeww.. or snigger when im in town by 14year old sluts,
but who gives a shit, il wear what im happy in,
Harp Heaven said:
While it is true that girls that judge you by your appearance usually aren`t worth bothering with, due to their shallowness and the fact that they are extremely insecure, looking clean and well-dressed is not something to scoff on. I doubt most of you would have enjoyed a girl who wears a baggy, worn-out bandshirt, nasty riveted black jeans and has long, unkempt hair. Platonic relationships are one thing, but if you want a physical and intimate relationship with someone, looking good is probably a good idea.

Indeed. Though I'd rather have a girl that liked me for my personality originally, then I'd make myself look as good as possible for her.
I don't really dress the metal part too much anymore. I guess I grew out of it even though I still like to wear a lot of my band shirts. Somehow, all different music genre styles have been mixed into my wardrobe. I sometimes even wear stuff from *GASP* Old Navy and the Gap. But remember kids, clothes don't make a person more metal than the next guy. :)
I never dressed the metal part. I usually wear jeans and a band shirt, sometimes black dickies or jeans, sometimes blue. I often wear button up khaki shirts because it gets hot as fuck our here. SOmetimes a backwards hat if my hair is all crazy.