Hypo News 2007


Apr 24, 2003
Potsdam, Germany
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In german mag "Legacy" Peter said:

The band still exists and will record a CD again but there are no plans for the near future. He´s busy with Pain and Horgh with Immortal. Hypo will go an as 3-Piece-Band since Holma is out, but for live-activities there´ll be a 2nd guitar of course.

I guess we have to wait at least one year for new material...
i didnt read the article, but that is pretty much the same peter said in the interview somebody linked in another thread some time ago.

can't wait for a new hypo album. :kickass:
I read an interview that a long pause is going to happen with Hypocrisy. He says at least 2 years. It seems that the guys need a long break from each other. No wonder - they did four or five tours within a year.
The only thing I want that new Hypocrisy album not to sound like "Virus". From time to time I understand that this album's guitars sound like I have a sand in my ears. Now I understand that I don't like it. The best Hypocrisy examples are still "The Final Chapter" & "Into The Abyss" albums.
The only thing I want that new Hypocrisy album not to sound like "Virus". From time to time I understand that this album's guitars sound like I have a sand in my ears. Now I understand that I don't like it. The best Hypocrisy examples are still "The Final Chapter" & "Into The Abyss" albums.

hmm if you're talking about SOUND CLARITY the best examples for me would be Selft titled and The arrival. Virus sound was muffled a bit to sound heavier
Into the abyss wasn't such a good album. That album had a lot of the muffle you talk about. IMO Virus & the self titled album had the most clarity! I made a compilation CD of Hypocrisy songs and you can easily tell them apart!