Iced Earth is back!


Oct 12, 2005
And where the fuck are all you guys?! Damn just heard new stuff off the EP, Prelude, kicks major ass, where's all the IE discussion 'round here?
I got the EP in the mail a few days ago, & it's good, but not great imo. The re-trilogy wasn't really more vicious & atmospheric than the original as Schaffer claims, & it'll take a few more spins to get used to Barlow's absence on those songs. Still this is only supposed to be a teaser for the main event, & I'm still confident that it's going to rule. Bring on Framing Armageddon! :kickass:
I'm quite disappointed with their last EP.
Ten Thousands Strong seems to be a modified version of Declaration Day (just like they did between Slave to the Dark and The Prohecy, but this time in a less interesting way).

The new version of the trilogy has been enhanced with new instruments, but the narrower vocal range of Owens is embarassing on the Prophecy's chorus.

BUT... even so... I bought the EP for the terrific mix of the Coming Curse: simple, powerful, raw, rough. A perfect mix!
I heard the new stuff and think it sounds great, although very reminiscient of The Glorious Burden.

Does anyone here even like Tim Owens? I feel like I'm the only one who prefers Owens to Barlow.
I've heard the songs, while the music is great Owens lets the remakes down in a major way. I still say he should've stuck with Judas Priest as his voice fits Priest well. For the first time(well the second time Glorious Burden sucked)I'm gonna pass on a Iced Earth cd. It's gonna take alot for me to buy Armageddon.
I completely agree! Matt was and is incredible! On the albums and, more importantly, on stage! He is the best vocal that Iced Earth ever had, and will ever have... :worship:
Yay, more bland, tepid power rock n roll. With 'patriotic' tendencies.

You are so right. Iron Maiden is way faster, heavier, and more aggressive than IE. Plus, Maiden didn't come from the the U.S., which means they are automatically better. :Smug:
You are so right. Iron Maiden is way faster, heavier, and more aggressive than IE. Plus, Maiden didn't come from the the U.S., which means they are automatically better. :Smug:

Hmmm...4/4 ain't bad at all.

Iron maiden solo once in awhile, for one. For another, they are faster. Heavier and more aggressive? Hell yes, considering IE's best attempt at aggressive was Burning Times.

And considering Morbid Angel and Twisted Tower Dire are from the U.S. and wipes the floor with Iced Earth, I don't think it's really a matter of geographic location. It's a matter of being a highly mediocre band that never really accomplishes anything except, well, being generic, uninspired, and having a fat-assed, fatter-egoed singer.
What I don't understand is, why post on an Iced Earth board if you clearly do not like the band at all? I mean, I have no desire to go to a forum about a band that I don't care for and talk about how terrible they are. Why bother? Obviously, the premise that IE are a crap band is not a valid topic of discussion here. Either you want to pointlessly argue or show off some kind of elitism where you declare that Band A is genius and Band B is insipid. Does that accomplish anything?
Owens may be technically better. He has a better range, can hold longer notes, etc, etc. But when it comes to overall value, this is where Barlow exceeds Owens imo. Just because John Petrucci can play a better lick than someone else doesnt necessarily make him a more enjoyanle guitarist to listen to. Why do people like "raw" music when produced music sounds better? It all comes down to personal taste, and imo Barlow has a lot more emotion in his voice. Even though he is a little less talented of a vocalist, he is far superior imo when it comes to fitting with Iced Earth. Barlow is the perfect singer for IE, and it is a shame that he has left, but it cant be helped. Move on and listen to the new stuff. Treasure the old stuff, but still give Owens a try.

Imo, he just doesnt have the eerie voice that Iced Earth should have. For example, Horror Show wouldnt be right if it was sung by Owens. Why was Barlow able to take the Night of the Stormrider and turn it into a great album (Days of Purgatory)? Its just because his voice fits the theme better. Owens has a great voice for the Glorious Burden, and for the concept that John was aiming for, it was amazingly perfect. I didnt like it as much as past works (because its not my idea of Iced Earth), but you gotta admit it screamed history and patriotism. As a concept album, it was a work of art.

But Owens trying to tell us a terror Armageddon-like story, I can still imagine the sounds of cannons and firing muskets of Gettysburg. It should be sci-fi, but it kinda sounds more organic if you know what I mean. Not that the new cd is bad, its just that Barlow could have done better. Tis a shame he left, he was definitely meant for Iced Earth.