I'm Getting Married


Epic Kirsty
Jan 2, 2007
Glasgow, Scotland
On the 12th of December 2012 (12/12/12). I think it'd be AWESOME and it's like the last possible year I can do it. Cos I can't do 13/13/13!

So yeah, at this time I've had no proposals as of yet...but y'know. Maybe soon :p

This gives me about 4 years to plan a wedding...

So...yeah. Lets sort out the most important factor: WHERE AM I HAVING MY WEDDING!?!?!?

And obviously Firewind will be the band playing cheesy covers.

*edit* ALSO, if I end up marrying Al of D then his birthday is the 12th of December, thus he'll never forget our anniversary.

xx Kirsty
LOL. Wow when you said random post, I didn't expect THIS! Can I play the drunk uncle? Or no no, I'll play the charming foreigner who sleeps with the bridesmaid!

And you're gonna have your wedding in Greenland.
I am?? What's in Greenland?

I'm gunna make sure all my bridesmaids are ugly as sin. Mainly to make me look better. But yeah. The other reason is so that you have to sleep with an ugly chick. It's your job as the foreigner.

xx Kirsty
Damn you Kirsty! why did you say it at the last moment?? now we only have 4.5 years to think about what present to give you... you should have told us about it a couple of years ago...
Damn you Kirsty! why did you say it at the last moment?? now we only have 4.5 years to think about what present to give you... you should have told us about it a couple of years ago...
I know dudes, I'm sorry, it's a bit last minute...

But well...yeah, I hope I've gave you enough notice :)

:p Haha! And hell no I'm not getting married at a Firewind concert. That's creepy and weird :p

My other half at the time might not even LIKE Firewind :eek:

xx Kirsty
Damn you Kirsty! why did you say it at the last moment?? now we only have 4.5 years to think about what present to give you... you should have told us about it a couple of years ago...
I know dudes, I'm sorry, it's a bit last minute...

But well...yeah, I hope I've gave you enough notice :)

:p Haha! And hell no I'm not getting married at a Firewind concert. That's creepy and weird :p

My other half at the time might not even LIKE Firewind :eek:

xx Kirsty
^^ deja-vu!

My other half at the time might not even LIKE Firewind :eek:

xx Kirsty

ohh yeah, that's what i'm fuckin worried about too... i'm quite certain that my future wife will most likely not like rock!!! so i'm gonna have to listen to crap all the time, you know traditional folk music or pop etc... and at my wedding i'll have to dance greek folk music and so on!! (goodbye firewind, goodbye rock/metal!!) :cry::cry:
whatever, you can play when she isn't home^^ like my last gf, she was a vegeterian-.- so if we should have children she said she'd not gunna make them any meat :O so when she runs off I would overfeed them with meat and mead :rofl:
so when she runs off I would overfeed them with meat and mead :rofl:

LMAO <3 <3 <3


Nah, my other half would like Firewind, I'm sure of it. I can be very persuading. The CD in my staff room CD player at this moment is Allegiance. Everyone loves it :)

Me and Alan like pretty much everything the same though. Same music (well we each like SOME bands the other doesn't), same alcoholic beverages, same love of travel etc. It's good :)

xx Kirsty
12/12/12 = 6/6/6 + 6/6/6 Diabolical!!! I just knew Kirsty was really Satan!

I am?? What's in Greenland?

I'm gunna make sure all my bridesmaids are ugly as sin. Mainly to make me look better. But yeah. The other reason is so that you have to sleep with an ugly chick. It's your job as the foreigner.

xx Kirsty

Nah the foreigner only sleeps with hot women. Don't worry, I'll find one cos there is always at least one in a wedding.